Chapter 37- Joe

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It had been two weeks since the accident and the fact I was confined in a small room for the whole time was driving me crazy. I was starting to loose all hope in ever getting my life back to what it was like, I knew it would be different but I just hoped it would almost be similar to what it was. The only thing that kept me slightly sane was Sophie.

Sophie had been a sweetheart, bringing me everything I needed to make new main channel videos and game videos. She had even made the nurses let her bring Bailey into my room, I had no idea how much I had missed him until he was actually in the room, the minute he entered the room I just wanted to hug him and never let him go, it was like he was my best friend I hadnt seen in ages.

Everyday during visiting hours Sophie would come to sit and talk to me, since we saw alot of each other we started to talk about things to do with the future from kids names to where we wanted to live or even when we wanted to get married. We were becoming closer by the minute and I adored her in every way, everything she did capturedd my attention, I was fascinated by her.

One day one of the nurse came in to find me sitting in my bed singing to music with Sophie, our hands were intertwined and our voices rang out creating a perfect harmony. The nurse was about 5.6 ft in height, had tanned skin, a light dusking of freckles on her cheeks, was quite thin, had blue eyes and long shiny locks of blonde bouncy hair hung down in ringlets framing her face perfectly. However the more I looked at her the more I didn't think she was hot, even though any other guy would think differently. I had my girl and she was perfect for me.

When the nurse approached we stopped and waited for the news, both of us secretly wishing that I would be free to go and that it wasn't bad news. "Joe Sugg, you are free to go , we just need you to collect your prescription of tablets, that help with your heart and sign some paperwork" the nurse said with a smile and a wink. " Thankyou thats perfect" I said smiling to the nurse as she left the room, her heels clicking along the floor creating a nice beat.

"She was totally flirting with you" Sophie said smiling at me, "really... I didnt even notice, I was to busy thinking of my wonderful girlfriend" I said kissing sophie on the forehead knowing damn well what the nurse had done. "Seriously your using that line?" Sophie asked raising her eyebrows and giggling. When I nodded she pushed my shoulder and told me to get ready. Getting out of bed I smiled she knew how to make me happy. I gathered my items that I had been given by others and that Sophie had brought, after all the stuff had been packed into three bags I needed to get changed, as I was still in the night grown they had given me.

I was handed clothes by Sophie and started to strip when I noticed the the windows weren't covered. "Babe, um... would you mind ... putting the blinds down for me ?" I said swaying my head towards to window. Sophie nodded and went over to the windows, pulling he blinds one by one down till I was sure noone would be able to see me naked except Sophie.I changed quickly into my new Troye hoodie had sent me, since I had brought his new ep, a black t-shirt showing the city of new york and some black skinny jeans that hugged my legs. I finished the look with a blue superman belt and my black and white well worn converse.

We did one last check of the room which had almost held me captive for two weeks, and noticing nothing was left or out of place we left. We walked down the corridoor to the desk situatied in the whitest more sterile room I had ever seen. There sat a grouchy old woman who waited for us to sign loads of paperwork before telling us we could leave. I walked out of the hospital and with a deep breath I was outside for the first time in weeks. Being inside wasn't what I was use to, being a thatcher and what not, and certainly wasnt going to make a habit out of it.

We got in the car before driving to the pharmacy, where we handed over a green note giving to me by the hospital to a ginger hair girl, who must of been in her early 20's, she looked at the note before asking me to recite my name and birthday "Joe Sugg 8th of the 9th 1991" I said trying not to forget my birth date. She nodded before heading behind the millions of selves covered from head to toe in medicine.After about 5-10 minutes I was starting to worried if she had gotton lost or had forgot about us, however I didn't have to worry as soon as the thought popped into my head, she appeared.

We collected the tablets before slumping into the car to go home. Sophie started the car and we backed away, we drove for 20 minutes before turning into the lane for Sophie's house. It was a good feeling to be home, well in a place I considered to be home. We arrived at the home and I heard barking and scratching at the front door. I grabbed my stuff and let Sophie lock the car before grabbing the keys off of her to let Bailey out.

As I opened the door a light brown snout poked its way out, it was soon followed by the rest of the dog, he charged at me, jumping up at my legs and barking. I smiled if another dog did this about 2-3 years ago I would of been terrified but now I found it a loving response, I knew he had missed me and that it was a way of saying hello. I reached down and picked him up. At first he wiggled almost trying to get out of my clasp but he soon calmed down and began licking and snuggling against my face.

After about 5 minutes of cuddling I put Bailey down and entered the house, Bailey followed me walking by my side into the living room. I dumped my stuff and threw myself on the sofa, Sophie smiled at me before sitting down in the seat.

As I got comfy and began to settle back in all i could think was that this was it, this was my home the dog the girl and the house.

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