Chapter 14 Sophie

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It was now Friday and it had been a couple of days since we had brought Bailey home and the little guy was loving it, he had found so many places to hide, he even scared Joe dad on one occasion, who was back from his trip.  Sometimes Bailey would hide behind the curtains and when Joe's dad came near them he would paw at his trousers, and then when Joes dad turned around, Bailey would be hide somewhere different.

Joe was falling more and more in love with the puppy everday, it was a shame that I would have to take him home to my house after tomorrows party, ready for the inspection.

I was sat watching tv on the sofa when Joe wandered in, Bailey wasnt far behind, scampering to catch up, suddenly he caught his paw and tripped, in which had him tumbling into Joe's leg, I giggled before picking him up to check he was okay.

He seemed fine when I had hold of him, so I began to pet him, soon enough he was flat out, snuggled up in my lap. I sat there stroking him whilst he slept, starring at him lovingly.

"Awww isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen Joe?" Joe's dad asked through a mouthful of food and coming to sit next to Joe on the sofa. Joe looked over at me and smiled, "definitely" he said before blushing and turning away. "Aww stop guys its not that cute" I said smiling and returning my attention to the TV.

After about 20 minutes I began to yawn, I was really tired, I looked over at Joe who was also yawning and then I noticed the time, no wonder we were yawning it was 20 to 12 at night. I streched and stood up, grabbing the puppy sofly, trying not to wake him, "going to bed Sophie?" Joe asked whilst standing up and streching, I nodded and headed upstairs,  Joe not far behind me.

I went into Zoe room and put Bailey down on his doggy  bed, he rolled over, opened his eyes slightly and yawned before settling back down. I smiled as I began to dress myself in my blue and red checked PJs. I dressed and went to wash the little make up I had on off and brush my teeth. When I reached the bathroom door however it was locked, I sighed "typical", suddenly Joe appeared round his bedroom door dressed in only his boxers, I couldn't lie he looked really handsome. " Dads in there, you might as well come and join me, its going to be a while".

I followed Joe into his bedroom and lead on his bed opposite him, he smiled "you look really pretty" he said whilst moving a eyelash from my cheek, he brought it to my mouth and he told me to make a wish.  I closed my eyes and wished, I then blew it off his finger.

"Let me guess I'm not allowed to know the wish" he said placing his hand on my side. I could feel the warmth of his hand spead down my side, across my thighs straight to my feet before traveling upwards towards my face, it felt good and soon got me a little hot under the collar. I smiled trying to hide the fact I was blushing.  All i could do was shake my head as we began talking.

Soon we were flat out curled together on the bed.

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