Chapter 32- Sophie

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"Connor that would be awesome, thanks so much for the invite, but are you sure Joe cant come, i mean i'm a little worried about him being on his own espically after last night, the poor guy practically fainted on the doorstep. One minute he was standing talking to me the next he was faceplanting the floor". I said sighing down the phone, last night had been terrifying, one minute Joe was fine the next he was in a heep on the floor. "Sorry Sophie, he just can't i havent got enough room for him here, i know your worried but im sure he will be fine for a week or so, hes a big man, im sure he can look after himself" Connor answered angrly almost shouting down the phone. "okay okay i understand, i'll go see how Joe is and see what he thinks about me leaving for a week and i'll ring you back" i said running my hands through my hair. "Thanks Sophie, i just miss spending time with you thats all" Connor answered hanging up.  

I decided that breakfast was needed and began cooking a full english breakfast as it was normally just what the doctor ordered, before going to see if Joe was awake. As soon as it was cooked i plated up the food and put in on a tray to take into the lounge. As i entered the room Joe stirred and opened his eyes, i smiled and went to stand by him. He rolled over onto his back and grinned at me before taking the tray and tucking in. I went to collect my meal from the kitchen before settling on the sofa next to Joe who was almost half way through his meal. I had just started tucking into mine when Joe decided to ask me about last night. 

After finishing my breakfast and telling Joe about the fact i had to drag him into the house and haul him onto the sofa, i decided that it was time to ask him how he felt and if he would look after Bailey whilst i was America, thats if he would let me go. "Joe..?" i asked walking into the living room after taking the plates out, "what is it hun?" Joe answered sweetly, "i was just wondering how you felt this morning ?" I said sitting next to him and staring intently down at him. "Sophie if im honest i really dont feel great, I even tried getting up just now and my vision went blurry again and i almost fell over. I really think I should go to the doctors" Joe said trying his hardest to get off the sofa.  Something was definitely wrong. 

I decided that i should just take Joe to the hospital instead of the doctors because at least he wouldnt need an appointment. I decided to pack two bags just in case one for me and Joe and one for Bailey who i was taking to my Best friend Beckis house, since she had promised she would look after him since she was back from Uni. I helped Joe get up off the sofa and walk to the car, with great difficulty i might add, before buckling him up, grabbing the bags and Bailey which were soon in the boot. Locking up, i glanced around and noticed Joes phone, a picture of the whole youtube gang and Joe fave teddy when he was younger and decided that if something was wrong it would be best if he had reasurance through the hard times. 

30 minutes later:

"Joe hunny wake up" i shouted shaking Joe, he had been out since we got to Becki's, i thought he was sleeping. *SLAP!* " Joe Wake UP!!!!" i shouted at the top of my lungs.... Nothing ! "Joe please" i whispered crying into his unresponsive chest. Suddenly it moved and Joe breathed weakly, causing me to scream with relief. I quickly opened the door and screamed for help. Seconds later nurses and doctors came running towards the car. I continued screaming and crying as they carried him from the car trhough the hospitals emergency doors. 

"Miss you've got to calm down and tell us what happened" a voice to the right of me said as i walked next to Joe who was now on a hospital bed that was being wheeeled down a corridoor towards the ICU. I looked towards the voice, tears where streaming down my cheeks and dropping onto the floor below me. A man stood next to me with a warm and friendly smile and i glanced at his nametag. "Toby right?" i asked the nameless man who then nodded. "look Toby.. i dont mean to sound rude but in the space of 14 hours Joe has gone from perfectly fine to almost dead in my car so please DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!" I yelled towards Toby.

At first Toby looked shocked but then nodded "i understand miss but the thing is to help him get better we need you to tell us what has happened in the last two days or so, just incase it has had some effect on him ". I looked at him sadly, i was hating myself for taking what ever was going on with Joe out on him, "sorry its just a shock, will Joe be okay on his own whilst i tell you?". Toby then nodded and asked me to follow him. I turned and looked at Joe, kissed his forehead before whispering to him say that everything would be fine and followed Toby to the relatives room. 

After telling Toby every single detail, even the akward parts, about what had happened since i had gotten stabbed, he left to teell the doctors the news. Within a hour he was back saying that Joe was awake and okay and that i could see him soon. I sqealed and lunged at toby wrapping him in a big bear hug "Thankyou!" i yelled kissing him on the cheek. He laughed and said it was no problem, he then told me he would get me a drink before i saw Joe as i probably needed one. I grabbed a drink and told toby i would be back soon i just needed to make some phone calls. 

I rushed outside and dailed Zoe's number, luckly she picked up on the second ring . "Zoe thank god! you need to ring your mum and dad, Joes is in hospital!" 

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