Chapter 13

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Communication In Marriage

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh

The ride back to Holyrood Palace was more eventful than they expected. A mile before they could reach the palace, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn took a breather of their one of many passionate moments of that afternoon. Both were panting heavily as they sat as if nothing happened, and fixed their hairs to the best of their ability, and their wrinkled attires.

When they finally came to a stop in front of Holyrood Palace's entrance, their breaths were steadier than before. Martin hopped off his horse and immediately walked to the Duke and Duchess' carriage to open their door, oblivious as everyone else of their earlier business.

"Welcome back, Your Royal Highnesses," Martin announced to them as Benedict hopped off first, and turned around to help his wife.

"It is good to be back, Martin," Charlotte said as she took her husband's hand and hopped off the carriage as well. "And before sunset! How wonderful."

"Indeed," the Duke agreed. "In my experience, the return is always faster than the arrival. Especially when one stays entertained the entire travel."

"Right," the Duke nodded and cleared his throat awkwardly as Martin frowned with confusion at the Duchess' words. "You should have heard his jokes, Martin. He could not stop talking! How lovely, isn't it? Such graciousness my husband has."

"That sounds...extraordinarily offensive," the three laughed at the Duke's words, and when he looked to his right, he saw the woman he hasn't seen for an entire day approaching them. "Oh, look who brought the wind."

"I will leave you with her, Ma'am, while I help the guards," Martin informed the Duchess, she nodded, and he bowed his head before he walked away.

"Good afternoon, Your Royal Highnesses," Fatima made a small curtsy once she reached their side and handed them a big cup of water. "I thought you might desperately needed one."

"Desperately?" Charlotte muttered after she took a sip.

"How..." Benedict lightly frowned at her words. "Why? Just why?"

"I may have never been married, sir, but I know love when I see it," a small smirk graced her face. "Especially, a love like yours. If there was a change to—"

"Of course!" The Duchess cut her off before Fatima could further embarrass her, and ended the entire cup of water. "Nonetheless, thank you."

"When did Lilia and Cora possessed you?" Benedict asked her, and Fatima chuckled.

"Oh! And I almost forgot! Ma'am, sir, there is someone here to see you," Fatima informed her, and the Duchess' face softened. "From London."

"Who might—"

"Bloody hell," the Duke breathed, unintentionally cutting his wife off. Charlotte followed his gaze to the inside of the palace, and swore she recognized the man approaching them. "Is that—"

"Tommy?" The Duchess frowned at the sight of her Private Secretary, but then, a wide smile grew on her face. "Tommy! It is really you! It– It is so nice to see you!"

"Afternoon, Your Royal Highnesses," he bowed before both of them.

"Tommy," the Duke nodded in greeting. "I do not mean to sound impolite, but... What are you doing here?"

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now