Chapter 9

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The Duke and Duchess of Strathearn

After Charlotte spent almost the entire the afternoon with Benedict, it was almost time to get ready for the party being held in her honor in one of the rooms of Holyrood Palace. They weren't as big as the ones in Carlton House back in London, but they could still hold a great amount of people.

At the moment, Charlotte was slowly walking through the halls, taking in the silence, and passing the time. Benedict, on the other hand, wanted to sleep for a bit before the party, and that is exactly what he was doing.

"Your Royal Highness," Fatima called for her, and Charlotte looked at her. "We must start getting you ready."

"Alright," she sighed. "Did we even bring formal dresses?"

"A few, just in case," she nodded. "And for Hiss Royal Highness as well."

"He might need help putting on those," she chuckled softly and looked down at her hands. "Fatima, the Queen said I must choose my Ladies of the Bedchamber."

"Did she?" She asked. "Well, in that case, I think I can recommend you a few ladies, daughters of—"

"I was thinking of Lilia and Cora," she said sincerely. "I see them as something more than just my maids. To me...they're my friends."

"I understand, but do you think Her Majesty would approve?" Fatima wondered, and the duchess chuckled.

"She is not here to tell me otherwise, is she?" She sighed. "Besides, I trust them, and I think they deserve it."

"Very well," she smiled.

"And you know, I was wondering if you too wanted to become a Lady of the Bedchamber," Charlotte added, and her smile grew wide. "Would you like to, Fatima?"

"Oh, Ma'am," she sighed contently, and nodded. "It would be my honor."

"Great," she chuckled contently, and lightly sighed. "Do you think Lilia and Cora would accept?"

"I'm sure those girls will be thrilled to be your ladies, Ma'am," she nodded. "But I must ask, when are you going to tell them about this?"

"Right now," Charlotte responded. "I was thinking they could join me at the party too."

"I do not know what to think about that," she said sincerely. "But I must say, it does not sound like a bad idea."

"Right? It is my party after all, I see no better chance to introduce them as my ladies," she added with a nod.

"So it is settled then, as long as they agree, but I'm sure they will love the idea," Fatima nodded.

"And the musicians!" The two heard Lilia exclaim.

"Must you always be so loud?" Cora stated loudly, and Charlotte chuckled.

"I think I'll talk to them now," she looked at Fatima. "And we'll see you by my wardrobe, alright?"

"Of course, Ma'am," Fatima nodded, and walked away.

"Lilia, Cora," she called for them once she saw them walking down the hall.

"Your Royal Highness," Cora greeted her as she and her sister made a small curtsy. "Is everything alright, Ma'am?"

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now