Chapter 29

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The Duke of Kent and Strathearn's Return

Bridgerton House, London
A week later...
December 21, 1813

After hours of travel, Benedict has finally arrived back to London. He had asked the coachman to make a stop at his family home. As much as he was suffering and dying to see his wife again, the nervousness was eating him alive. His getaway with Mr. Granville lasted way more than he thought it would.

"She loves you, Benedict," he looked at Frederica as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Which brings me to my question... Would you have allowed her to sacrifice her title for you if she wanted to?"

"No," he admitted, with pure honesty, without a doubt. "I cannot see myself doing that to her."

His mind went back to the moment he had a deep conversation with his wife's half-sister-in-law. The struggle was evident, apparently. An outsider and a royal born was usually not a good match... Yet, Charlotte and Benedict have proved the world otherwise, regardless of the fights, of the disagreements, of the distance... Their love for one another has never faded.

"Your Royal Highness," the coachman caught his attention. "We have arrived, sir."

"Thank you," he lightly nodded and got off the coach.

The Duke of Kent and Strathearn gathered in his previous house's family room with all his siblings, except for Colin, who was terribly missed by all... Even if some showed it more than others. At the moment he is remembering all the letters Charlotte has saved from him, smiling every time she reads how excited he is for his travels and the places he is visiting. Fortunately for the third-born of the Bridgerton family, his sister-in-law has traveled to most of the places he is visiting and has been given a good review of where to go and where to stay.

On the other hand, Benedict found it slightly annoying after a while because it all became too repetitive and not as fun as it all was in the beginning. Now, he simply missed his brother, and honestly couldn't wait for him to get back so the Duke could share the exiting news that he was going to become an uncle.

"Oh! Hello, my dear," his mother greeted him in surprise as he walked in the room. Everyone stood up and greeted him with a curtsy before gifting him one of her warm hugs. "Oh, we've missed you."

"Never curtsy to me, Mother. Anyone can do it but you," he told her.

"Only in private," Violet smiled knowingly, and he chuckled, remembering that's what his wife would agree on.

"Didn't expect to see you here," Anthony added.

"How was your time with Mr. Granville and his acquaintances?" Francesca asked him.

"It was great," Benedict lightly nodded. "Everything was exciting."

"You don't sound excited," Hyacinth remarked.

He realized she was right. For someone who went away for a more than a month to expert himself in the arts, he didn't seem too excited. Now, he could only assume that the thought of his wife was the one consuming that excitement. After all, he was feeling desperate to see her smile, desperate for her touch.

"I am excited, Sister. I– I learned quite a lot, actually. My sketches have improved enormously," the Duke informed, with the smallest of smiles on his face. "I simply...missed home, but... Here I am."

"May I ask... Whatever are you doing here?" His mother asked him. "What of...your new home? You know, with your own family?"

"Can't I still be in the warmth of my old home?" He questioned jokingly. "I'm just passing through, Mother. Trying to spend the time outside the palace."

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now