Chapter 10

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My Best Girl

Carlton House, London
A month later...

"Do you think my daughter is with child by now?" The Queen asked Lady Danbury, who simply continued drinking her tea. "Do you, or do you not, Lady Danbury?"

"It has just been almost two months since Her Royal Highness got married, Your Majesty. It might be too soon to assume such a thing," nonetheless, a small smirk graced her face. "But not impossible. All we must do is have patience."

"Do not speak of patience in a time like this," she stated calmly. "The future of the monarchy rests within my daughter. How can you expect me to not be impatient?"

"Try not to put too much pressure on the young girl, Your Majesty. Unlike us, she is still young, and very much in love with her husband just as much as he is in love with her. If a child is not in her yet, then it will be soon," Lady Danbury said sincerely. "And speaking of the future of the monarchy. Where is our future King? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Truth be told, anyone barely has seen him," the Queen shrugged. "If he's not in his chambers, then he must be in his study."

"Oh, I see," she chuckled softly. "It reminds me of His Grace The Duke of Hastings, but before he got married."

"We women can change a man's life without them ever realizing it," the Queen stated with a smirk. "I know I did."

"It must be that exhilaration that runs through your German blood, Your Majesty," she nodded and raised an eyebrow. "Or is it the bronze of your skin?"

"It could be," she replied, and noticed Brimsley walking towards her. "What is it now? Do you see that I am busy with my guest?"

"Your Majesty... It is the King..." He informed, and the Queen's face softened.


Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh

The Duchess of Strathearn was laying awake by herself on her side of the bed, hugging herself as she silently handled the pain. For the past few days, she has felt as if she going through that 'time of the month', but she thought that wasn't it, because she hasn't bled yet. And oddly, all symptoms were different, such as breast tenderness and fatigue.

The Duke of Strathearn was on his own side, starting to wake up. He moved his arms to wrapped it around his wife's waist, as he usually does, but he opened his eyes in surprise when he didn't find her right there next to him. Instead, she was on her side, close to the edge of the bed, with her back facing him, and the sheets covering her body all the way from her feet and up to her neck.

"Good morning, Char," he moved over to her side, and pressed his body against hers as he wrapped an arm around her. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," she sighed. "I'm just trying to go back to sleep."

Charlotte didn't want Benedict finding out how she felt, because she didn't want to worry him. Little does she knew, he already know something wasn't right. His wife usually wakes up lazily, but she is quick to regain her enthusiasm that lasts the rest of the day. And now, to him, she seemed to be exhausted. She had her eyes closed, hoping to sleep for a little longer, but she couldn't.

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now