Chapter 20

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House of Hanover

Bridgerton House, London

Five days have officially passed, and Benedict has never prayed so much, for George to recover. Charlotte was hardly ever around anymore. From breakfast to dinner she was either in Carlton House or in her study with Tommy, still handling George's state affairs. At the moment, the Duke of Kent and Strathearn was having a drink with the Viscount, in his study.

"Does it not sound surreal or utterly insane to you that I am the only man in London who does absolutely nothing while his wife actually works to serve the people, her family, and the bloody kingdom all at once?" Benedict scoffed at his own words while his eldest brother chuckled. "Oh, that's just perfect. Only Anthony Bridgerton could find my most miserable issues so amusing."

"I mean, how could I not?" He placed both of his elbows on the desk and rested his chin in his hands. "You are the only one who could change that. If Charlotte works excessively for everyone else but herself, then why do you not work excessively for her?"

"You do not understand the complicated position I am in, Brother," Benedict stated calmly. "Every single bloody politician sees me as only as the husband. I cannot do anything!"

"Nonsense," the Viscount scoffed. "You have power, you just do not know how to use it."

"Yesterday I literally asked the Prime Minister if I could cooperate with something. Anything. You know what he responded? Basically, 'go ask your wife'," after he told the short story, Anthony snorted and almost spilled his drink on his clothes. The look of disbelief on Benedict's face was priceless to his brother. "When has ever a man has needed to ask his wife permission to cooperate in politics? Or permission at all?"

"You are overreacting, Brother," the Viscount tried to assure him.

"If it were not for those strictly closed-minded politicians I could..." He sighed. "Maybe I could do more."

"Is that so?" Anthony chuckled. "You? All your life you have had this aspirations for art, for being an artist. Do you truly want to work for the government?"

"I just don't want Char to think she is alone in this," the Duke sighed, responding with pure sincerity.

"I hate to be the one who scolds you, Benedict, especially for something so avoidable," the Viscount stated. "But it is time for you to get your head out of your arse, grow up, and be the man your wife needs you to be."

"How am I supposed to know who my wife needs me to be?" He questioned.

"You'll know," Anthony smirked. "I'm sure she'll let you know."

"Gosh," he sighed in frustration before continuing. "Funniest part of all... She loves it."

"What, exactly?" He questioned.

"Charlotte spends all day reading and signing countless documents, attending private meetings with the Prime Minister, and her Private Secretary," the Duke lightly scoffed. "She loves all that madness. She lives for it."

"She was born for it," Anthony clarified. "Being a royal does not mean you wear expensive gowns and luxurious jewelry or simply gift warm smiles to anyone that walks by. There is also their duty."

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now