Chapter 23

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The People of Kent

Maidstone, Kent

After fifteen hours of travel, the Duke and Duchess of Kent were almost arriving to Lord Arthur Kinsley's estate. Between them, the travel was quieter than when they traveled to and from Scotland. Each were in their own world, thinking differently. Yet, enjoyed the silence and each other's company. Short conversations were exchange every now and then, but they didn't last long. At the moment, Benedict had his eyes closed, simply resting, while his wife looked down at her stomach with a small smile on her face, thinking of how their child could be developing inside her.

However, distant cheers and yells caught their attention. Charlotte looked up and out the window, poking her head out a bit and saw children running towards the carriage and people gathering not far from where they were.

"Sounds like we've arrived," she announced to her husband with a wide smile on her face.

"Finally," he sighed in relief. "I can't wait to finally lay down and sleep."

"Truth be told I cannot wait for that either," she chuckled softly and looked at him. "I'm exhausted."

"We all are," he nodded, speaking for all the guards, their Private Secretary and his wife's ladies too. "Come here."

Nonetheless of how tired both of them really felt, smalls smiles graced their faces. Benedict pulled his wife into his arms, wrapping his arms around her as she melted in his embrace. Charlotte sighed contently as she leaned her head on his chest and looked up at her husband. Before words could be exchanged, they leaned in and kissed. Both of them smiled as their lips danced in sync. He pulled her closer towards her, squishing her while still being cautious and careful of her condition.

However, it was hard for both the Duke and Duchess of Kent to ignore the loud cheers and yells. So, she pulled away, and immediately called for her personal guard.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness?" He approached her after hopping off his horse.

"I can hear the people already, Martin. How long until we reach them?" She asked.

"Not long, Ma'am," he responded with sincerity.

"Could you perfectly walk?" She wondered, and after he lightly nodded with confusion, a wider smile graced her face. "Then that is what I'll do."

"What?" Benedict frowned from beside her.

"If I am going to see my people of Kent for the first first time as their Duchess, it will be with a full view," she explained as Martin  obliged to her wishes and opened the carriage door for her. "You can stay in if you'd like, my love."

"No, I'll come with you," he nodded.

Charlotte got off the carriage first, with the help of Martin. And just after Benedict came out, he noticed Fatima, Lilia and Cora running towards them. Lilia started fixing the Duchess' hair while Fatima checked her dress, and Cora attended the Duke. After they put on their gloves and hats, they were ready to walk towards their people.

"Remember, sir," their Private Secretary walked behind them too. "Three to four steps behind Her Royal Highness. Preferably four."

"Of course! How could I forget?" He forced a smile. "It is a daily reminder."

Charlotte couldn't help but overhear his remark, making her sigh. She wished she could have him by her side, but at the moment she couldn't. However, every now and then she looked over her shoulder to see him and gift him a smile. Thankfully, he noticed and smiled back at her.

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now