Chapter 6

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Similarities And Differences

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh

Once inside the palace, Charlotte came across a mirror, and gasped in horror at her appearance. Her dress was a bit wrinkled, and her hair was way messier than how Lilia and Cora left it. Immediately, she started to fix it as she quickly made her way towards her bedroom.

"Your Royal Highness?" Martin ran into her in one of the hallways. She turned around, and her eyes grew wide in surprise. "Are you alright, Ma'am?"

"Quite alright, Martin," she chuckled nervously. "Just– I am a bit... Well, I was on my way to my room, looking for Lilia, Cora, or Fatima... Have you seen either of them?"

"No, Ma'am. I have not," he said sincerely. "But I can get them for you, if you'd like."

"Yes! Thank you, Martin. And... Would you prepare Snow for a ride? I– I kind of want to watch the sunset up the hills," she sighed contently. "Would you like to join me? You know, like old times?"

"Like old times, Ma'am," he nodded with a small smile. "But this time you are actually informing me in advance."

"It only happened once, Martin. I learned my lesson to not go anywhere without you," she laughed at the memory. "Now that I am older, I have gone places without you, but I do always let you know where I am, don't I?"

"You do now," he nodded, and the two shared a soft laugh. "Will His Royal Highness be joining us as well?"

"I– I'm afraid not. The Duke is busy painting an autumn leaf. 'A fallen leave is nothing more than a summer's wave of goodbye'," she sighed, with a small smile. "Those were his words. It appears he's inspired."

"I see," he nodded. "He shouldn't be out there by himself, Ma'am. I'll get him, and—"

"Oh, please, do not. He's an artist at heart, Martin. Let him be," she shook her head, and smiled sincerely. "But please, get Snow ready, and your horse too. Yours' name is... Jasper, right?"

"It has been for the past year," he nodded. "I'll get your maids for you, and I'll prepare the horses, Ma'am."

"Thank you again, Martin. I'll be in my room," she said, and he nodded before bowing his head, and walking in the other direction.

Charlotte could've only asked him to get Lilia, Cora, and Fatima for her, but she knew he liked to take care of her safety. He liked to inspect the horses' seats before she could seat on them. And sometimes, beforehand, he would inspect areas she would be in, and even people she would be with. And everything just for her. For her safety, just in case.

She has imagined a life without Martin, and it always has the same outcome: Nothing would be the same, and there was a high chance she would feel very lonely. Charlotte has had many, many good memories with him. He's given her advice before, and he even taught her how to play chess.

"Your Royal Highness?" Fatima asked out loud once she, Lilia and Cora, opened the door of the Duchess of Kent's bedroom.

"I'm here," she replied, and her maids walked in her direction. She was in her vanity, taking off the flowers on her hair.

"Martin mentioned you wanted to go for a ride up the hills," Fatima stated. "He also mentioned that the Duke would not be accompanying you. Is that?"

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now