Chapter 14

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The Other Half of the Royal Family

Early in the morning, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Strathearn left Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh, Scotland; and departed back to England, specifically the county of Cumberland in North West England. Whitehaven Castle is the official home of the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland and Teviotdale, and to the Duke of Clarence and St. Andrews, with his family.

"Have you visited them before?" Benedict asked his wife, and she shook her head. "So you know nothing of this castle's history?"

"I know a bit. But truth be told, I am unsure of a few details," she said with a small smile, and sighed. "Although, I am more worried about their reactions to our visit. How do you think they will feel about us visiting so suddenly?"

"I do not know," her husband replied as he placed his hand over hers and lightly squeezed it in reassurance. "But you are their sister, I'm sure they will be more than delighted to see you."

"To see us. You are basically their half brother-in-law, remember? We are all family now," she lifted up their hands and kissed the back of his, and a small smile graced his face. "A highlight I am looking for is meeting William's children and their mother."

"So... Our illegitimate nieces and nephews?" He asked her, and she scoffed.

"Nieces and nephews. That's it," she nodded.

"I know, I know," he chuckled. "They are not at fault of society's perspective over their father...and Ernest."

"You're right," she sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, and he did the same by leaning his head over hers.

"I never thought the first nieces or nephews I would have were going to be outside of my family," he chuckled. "We are eight siblings after all."

"We are all still young, Benny, with a long life ahead of us. There is no need to rush," she said sincerely, and sighed. "I have seen how people pressure Caroline into conceiving a child, and after trying for so long... It breaks my heart, but they just have up."

"Now they will be looking our way on that matter," he lightly nodded, and looked down at his wife. "But I do not want you to feel pressured if you are not ready, or if..."

"If it tragically never occurs, you mean?" She asked him, and he sighed. She moved her head from his shoulder and sat properly to look at him. A wide smile graced her face by . "Benny... Destiny is on our side. We are already a family."

"I know we are," he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "And I know we will have one of our own."

"What?" Her eyes grew wide. "You– You know?"

"All in due time, my love," he cupped her face in his hands, and her face softened. "We are all still young, you said so yourself. And we are in love, aren't we? There is a chance of us not having a child soon, and that's alright. We have the rest of our lives to have a family of our own. And I am bloody optimistic that one day we will."

"Right," she breathed, and nodded as an insecure smile graced her face. "Of course."

"I love you, my darling," he pecked her lips and a wide smile grew on his face as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. She slowly wrapped her arms around him she felt shivers down her spine when he hugged her tighter. "And I will always protect you. You have my word on that."

Charlotte really wanted to tell him she was carrying his child, but now, she wasn't sure if he was ready to become a father. To her, no one ever feels ready, not until they first share that precious moment of meeting their newborn for the first time.

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now