Chapter 19

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Acknowledging Duty

Kensington Palace, London

A knock on the door interrupted the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn's silence. At the moment she was in her study, waiting for her Private Secretary to hand her her brother's red despatch box. Luna was by her side, sitting by the bay window, staring silently at the outside world. Charlotte had to admit she was grateful Luna was not like her mother's dogs, because whenever the Queen was not around, it was an orchestra of barks.

"Your Royal Highness, good morning," Thomas bowed his head before walking towards her desk. "The Prince Regent sends his regards."

"I'm sure he does," she sighed, and a small smile graced her face. "Good morning to you too, Tommy. Thank you for coming."

"Of course, Ma'am," he nodded, and as gently as he could, he placed the red despatch box on her desk. "This is for you."

"Is it?" She lightly frowned in realization. "This is not George's despatch box."

"You are quite right, Ma'am. This box once belonged to Her Majesty Queen Anne," her Private Secretary explained with a small smile. "The Prince Regent thought of it as a gift of...encouragement."

"Did you know that for a long while all women in my family thought Queen Anne's possessions were cursed?" She chuckled. "Oh, George is no woman. To this day, my mother thinks twice before stepping here into Kensington Palace because Queen Anne lived and died here, and because she had most of this place rebuilt... My Papa had to convince her the supposed curse was nonsense so I could live here with George and Amelia."

"Well, it must be because it is widely believed that the reason behind Queen Anne's miscarriages and stillborn children was because her body turned against itself," he explained, and the Duchess nodded. "But I hardly believe it all occurred due to a...curse that it infects through objects and...the home our former Queen resided in."

"Also... I remember my father barely working on it some days, and sometimes he would allow my brother to help him go through some of the documents," the Duchess sighed. "It rarely occurred, but he would let me read for him and sort all documents too..."

"How ironic it all can be... Now it is yours," he took a deep breath after he realized his words. "Temporarily."

"Hopefully, yes..." She lightly nodded. "Temporarily."

"Well, Your Royal Highness, I will leave you to it, and I wish you the best of luck at whatever it is that you must do," he smiled. "I know it is all confidential, but whenever you need my assistance, never hesitate to ask for it."

"Thank you, Tommy. And I– perhaps I do need your help...with some advice," she sighed. "Do you think it is wise that I do not want Benedict involved in any of this madness?"

"I think His Royal Highness would very much like to help you in any way that he can," he responded with sincerity. "Although, there is not much for him to do at the moment."

"My husband is not a politician. He is...anything but that. I do not want him to become something he is not, especially not by force," she looked down at the box in front of her. "Besides, truth be told, I do not think he is experienced enough to handle state affairs."

"Your husband married a Princess, now a Duchess, a born politician. I can only presume he is aware of the certain changes of perspective that may come along the way...the changes his persona will face," the Private Secretary lightly nodded. "This certain change, under these circumstances, has its own melancholy. It is important His Royal Highness learns to adapt, for in this world you live in, Ma'am, change is constant."

[1.5] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now