Why does the South call the Civil War the War of Northern Aggression?

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Why does the South call the Civil War the War of Northern Aggression?

Because that is exactly what it was.

The Southern Confederacy asked only to be left alone and to be allowed to "go in peace".

Several attempts by Southern leaders for a peaceful solution were flatly rejected out of hand by Lincoln.

Several more pleas for peace were also rejected during the war. This included offers of a prisoner exchange of Andersonville prisoners the Confederacy could ill afford to feed or house. Confederate POWS conversely were starved, denied proper clothing and medical attention, and murdered in cold blood in a land of plenty.

After the firing on Fort Sumter (again after several attempts for a peaceful surrender) and recompense offered for any and all federal property and armories, the South was invaded and Confederate forces were attacked by Union forces on at least seven occasions before Confederate forces attacked the invading Union army.

Medical supplies and food shipments were denied or destroyed by the Federal blockade.

Then there is Sherman's "march" and "The Burning" of the Shenandoah Valley. Tens of thousands of private homes, businesses, farms, mills, whole towns pillaged and burned to the ground. Children's pets, ponies, dogs and cats butchered before their eyes. Fresh graves opened and pillaged of the dead's rings and jewelry. Food literally swept from families tables. Dead bodies tossed in family wells and ponds.

Helpless old, the sick and bedridden, women and children, invalids, turned into the elements against then existing international law. Letters and diaries tell of Union savagery against the defenceless Southern civilian that would make a stone Indian cry. Sadly, all of this is ignored by many modern day Union apologists.

Had the South retaliated in kind or opened the war with such actions would this even be a question?

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