Song Suggestions

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Hey Guys! This chapter is a little different than the rest. This chapter I will be suggesting songs that are related to depression,anxiety and other simmilar topics; enjoy.

[ and my Brain]
*DISCLAIMER* Links didn't work, sorry ''bout that
#1 "In my blood" Shawn Mendes
Released: 2018
Genre: Pop
About: This song makes us more aware of the struggles people with anxiety are going through. If you are someone diagnosed with anxiety disorder or someone who is feeling down and anxious, music can help us realize that we may be feeling this way. These songs remind us that we'll get through it and that there is always someone who can understand.

#2 "Breathin" Ariana Grande
Released: 2018
Genre: Dance-Pop
About: 'Breathin' is about breathing...when you're anxious. It's about anxiety and feeling like you can't get a full breath. It's like the worst feeling in the whole world. It's a song about that feeling...I was having lots of [anxiety attacks]. We were in the studio, we were writing and I was like, 'Ugh I can't breathe.' And they were like, 'We're going to write this song.' And I was like, 'Okay, I still can't breathe, but we'll write it.' - Ariana

#3 "Sober" Demi Lavto
Released: 2018
Genre: Pop
About: "Sober." It is a song that is so direct and honest. It is her message of apology to all the people who saw and follow her battles with mental health, including her family, friends, and fans. It showcases what she is still going through and how hard it is for her knowing that a lot of people are rooting for her. Demi is no doubt one of the strongest artists I know. She holds on and fights for the better after a very difficult and long battle with her mental health.

#4 "Save myself" Ed Sheeran
Released: 2017
Genre: Pop
About: But this song, in particular, is more sad and emotional. It is about giving so much to other people and into the world and forgetting about yourself in the process. It is a beautiful song that can help us realize that in this world which, sometimes, can try to bring us down and ask so much of us, we also need to take care of ourselves and prioritize our own happiness. People with depression feel like they are not enough and they don't matter. They would feel less important and usually focus on other people while ignoring the weight that they have themselves. It is a wonderful thing that this song exists because it will help us understand people in this situation. This song also makes us recognize our own mental state and, hopefully, treat ourselves a little bit better.

#5 "Perfect" Anne-Marie
Released: 2018
Genre: Pop
About: In this day and age, people tend to give so much attention to physical appearances because of how easy it is to compare each other on social media. We often feel bad about how we're not meeting society's standard of beauty. We tend to feel like we're never going to be enough for the world that we live in. This could create a mindset that would do more harm than good. Body-shaming is one negative act that we may experience and definitely affects our self-confidence. It may cause us to be depressed and have other mental issues. That is why this song can really help us realize that we can love ourselves and our bodies no matter what other people say.

#6 "Waving through a window" From the Dear Evan Hansen Original Broadway Cast Recording
Released: 2017
About: When you have anxiety, dealing with other people can be very difficult. Sometimes, you feel like a push-over and that you're always left out. It feels like no one sees or hears you. You would feel like your voice doesn't matter and no matter what you do, there is still this wall that blocks you off from the rest of the world. I usually feel this way, and it can be pretty hard and frustrating. One of the songs that I listen to whenever I feel anxious and depressed is "Waving Through the Window" from the musical Dear Evan Hansen. It has a beautiful melody, but the lyrics are the most important part for me. It is about someone who is struggling to feel included and heard. It also shows us that even in the moments when we feel that we don't belong and that we're always less than what we should be, there still someone that could understand and that we are not alone. We can still be found.

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