Things someone with SAD might do...

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A/N: Sorry for a lot a about Social anxiety recently, it's just one of the more common ones and I know a lot about it!


Someone with SAD might:
• Not speak up when the teacher asks a question and they know the answer or when still copying notes
• When listening to music, you constantly check that it's not playing out loud
• Not sharing your problems because fear of being mocked and ridiculed
• Checking your devices (for notifications) because you don't know what to do with your hands
• Counting people in class to see what part you have to read so you can prepare
• Practice talking in your head (having conversations and what you have to say)

Things that SAD people might feel/do:
• Feel Embarrassed for other people (2nd hand embarrassment)
• Feel like you're not allowed to leave home
• Staying quiet when in a larger group (3+)
• Feeling left-out in conversations since you don't talk and your friends talk to peers/others
• Having that stupid gut-wrenching feeling when your name is called randomly by a teacher
• Talking in-person is just as bad as phone calls; anything requiring you to actually talk is a no-no
• Rehearsing what you're gonna say in your head
• Your face getting hot and sweaty because someone said "hi" to you

If you ever need someone to talk to about social anxiety (or any anxiety), self-harm, middle school/school, or depression I will try my best and respond to you and we can keep it a secret; except if it's self harm, then I will try and help you get help! I've been there will all of the topics above.

{Word Count: 284 words}

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