How to manage Anxiety & Panic Attacks

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Hello and Welcome! This chapter is kind of adding on to the last one, so I would suggest reading that if you are able.

_________Chapter Starts Here__________
Panic and Anxiety attacks can be stressful and kind of terrifying! While I cannot magicly make your attacks go away, I can inform you of ways to help get through the attacks.

If an Anxiety or Panik attack begins:

Ways to get through Panic and Anxiety Attacks!

1- Recongnition
(reconize that you are having an attack)

2- Try to figure out what is causing it
(Solve the mystery of what is causing the attack and try and avoid thinking about that for the time-being)

3- Attempt to calm and soothe yourself
(try to use calming words such as "It's alright, It will pass in a few mins)

4- Remind yourself that it will end
(Nothing lasts forever)

5- Relax yourself
(get as compfy as you can, maybe sit down too)

6- Use calming thoughs {I'm your counselour now apparnetly}
(imagine a waterfall or any peaceful scene)

7- Distract yourself
(Try and name 5 things using each of your 5 senses or other simmilar distraction)

8- Try breathing Exersises
(Take a deep breath and hold for 5 seconds and then out for 5 seconds or similar counting)

9- Breathe & Kalm
(Breath a candle or lavender if able to, if not that is alright)

10- Be Mindful
(be in the present moment and be aware of your emotions)

11- Muscle relaxing
(roll your shoulders or do some other small warm-up)

12- Envision {NO, not the Math Co.}
(picture a safe and warming place in ur mind)

13- Repeat Calming words
(Remind yourself it will be ok)

14- Do something that makes you happy
(go for a walk, journal, candy, etc. Whatever makes you happy, do it!)

15- Talk to a loved one or trusted person
(Just talk about old memories or something)

16- Break time
(spend 15-30 minutes to relax; you need it)

I hope the table clears stuff up if the writing was confusing!

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I hope the table clears stuff up if the writing was confusing!


You can stop panic attacks at work by:

1- Acknowledging a panic attack has started.
2- Keeping yourself calm.
3- Relax diaphragmatic breathing.
4- Relaxing your body and muscles.
5- Waiting for your body to use up the remaining stress hormones.
6- Giving your body time to calm down, between 5 to 30 minutes.

Q & A For stopping Anxiety Attacks!

Q: What do I do if I am in public!?
A: If you're in public and an attack happens, just do the same thing you would do if you were anywhere else. Note that people do not know you are having an attack. Just try and remain calm and attempt to not make too much noise. Try to get somewhere peaceful and were you feel safe. The same rules apply if you are at school, driving, pooping, alone at night and any other activties!

Extra Notes/ Tips:
A/N~Thanks for reading this far!

+ Make a 'cheat sheet'
(write on a piece of paper what to do if an attack happens)

+ Journal your experience
(write down tboughts,feelings and anything that crosses you mind that u wanna write down

+ Practice Meditation and other good mental health practices

+If it gets really bad, do NOT be afraid to reach out and ask for help or do research on your own time


- You are not alone
- Everyone has experinced stress
- It will get better
- Nothing lasts forever

Next chapter will be how to help if someone else is having an attack!

(Word Count: 598 words)

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