Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

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A/N: Nope, we're just gonna start today! -_-


SAD: A person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of situtations involoving social interaction. Anxiety and self-consciousness asrise from of being closely watched, judged, or criticized by others.

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People who suffer from SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) have an intense fear of being seen negatively by others. Some examples being, being humiliated/embarrassed in public, being judged, being closely watched and criticized. Social Anxiety is commonly mistaked with being extremely shy and just not liking social situations/events. Avoiding social interaction will only make the anxiety worse. Performace (stage fright) is the most common type of social phobia. A person who has SAD will try and avoid social events at all costs. Some people even have panic attacks just thinking about social events (like me) or knowing they might have to speak at one.

Edited Addition:
Social Anxiety is not just being shy! It's the feeling of wanting to run away and hide when social interaction is occurring/ is to occur. Sometimes SAD people will make excuses to avoid such events. Your brain "shuts down" when you have to speak. Social anxiety is paranoia, awkward, uncomfortable, frustrating and scary.
Social Anxiety is real!!!

Signs/symptoms of social anxiety:
~ A fear of 2+ social (or performance) situations inwhich the person is exposed unfamiliar people that could potentially judge ya.
~ Intense anxiety in social situations can take form in an anxiety/panic attack
~ The person reconizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable
~ The feared social or performance situations are avoided or are endured with distress
~ The avoidance of social interactions, anxious anticipation, or distress in feared situation interfears with the persons daily life
~ Physical Signs of anxiety sighted (confusion, raising heart, sweating, shaking/trembiling, blushing/skin difference, muscle tenstion, upset stomach, and diarrhea)

Comparison: Social Anxiety is like drowning in your own words inside your head just trying to figure out the correct thing to say.

A/N: Please note that this chapter was not edited (it now is :D); it was rushed last minute. School issues! Anyways have a great rest of your day.

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