Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

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A/N: none! -_-

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Excessive anxiety about an event or activity that is reoccurring more often than not.
[Example: School or work]

People who struggle with GAD are constantly worried and feel anxious a lot throughout the day. Sometimes they might not even know why they feel this way! They are always panicked about anything and everything. Other times they have fears that prevent them from living there daily life.

GAD symptoms:
- insomnia
- Sleeping troubles
- nausea
- upset stomach/ sick to your stomach
- feeling of being on edge/ paranoid
- restlessness or tiredness
- Excessive worry
- muscle tension
- Headaches
- trouble focusing/ concentrating
- trembling/shaking
- easily startled or scared

Note: These people could have different symptoms than listed

A/N:  thanks for reading! Hope it was useful and informative. Have a great rest of your day!!!

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