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A/N: Before I start, I just wanna say thanks for reading this book and I hope your day is going well! Also, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here (I mean this in a friendly way)!


Phobia: An unrealistic (or exaggerated) fear of a certain object, activity, or situation that in reality does little to no harm. (In most cases that's true)

Common Phobia's:
Some common fears include
- A certain animal (scorpions, snakes, etc.)
- insects
- Flying
- heights
- tight/ small spaces

There are hundreds of more fears that could be listed. People who suffer with severe phobia might go to extreme lengths to avoid that thing; this causes the fear to increase.

The most noticeable symptom of having a phobia is a panic attack, this can cause:
+ pounding/racing heartbeat
+ shortness of breath or troubles with breathing
+ rapid speech or inability to talk properly
+ upset stomach/ nausea
+ trembling/ shaking
+ chest pain or tightness in chest region
+ dry mouth or choking sensation/feeling
+ dizziness or lightheaded
+ excessive sweating/ overheating
+ sense of impending doom
There are more symptoms, but these are just the basic and most common ones.
(Similar symptoms to panic/anxiety attacks)

A/N: Hello! I hope this was useful. Take care and have a wonderful rest of your day!


{Word Count: 220 words}

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