Chapter 3

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"YA nashel dva interesnykh." Jacklin said to a man sitting at his desk, showing him the girls beside her.

"I found two interesting ones."

The man stays silent for a minute while looking at the scared girls. "Chto v nikh takogo interesnogo?" The man questions.

"What's so interesting about them?"

The girls stand there awkwardly, wondering what they are saying while Jacklin starts to look nervous after the man's question.

"Oni nikogda ran'she ne yeli kusochka pitstsy. Oni dolzhno byt', ne otsyuda." Jacklin says, motioning towards the girls.

'They've never eaten a slice of pizza before. They must not be from here."

The man seems inquisitive but silently angry. "YA ikh videl. Vykhodite iz travyanistogo polya cherez dorogu. Iz niotkuda!" Jacklin nervously exclaims.

"I saw them. Come from the grassy field across the street. Out of nowhere!"

The man bushes his eyebrows from what Jacklin had said "Oni prishli iz niotkuda?" The man questions.

"They came from nowhere?"

Jacklin breathes heavily "Da. Yarkiy svet, a zatem oni podnimayutsya iz-pod zemli." She says, feeling hopefully she may not be the one getting tortured today.

'Yes. A bright light and then them rising from the ground."

The man stands up, still looking at the girls inquisitively. "Otlichnaya rabota, Dzheklin." The man looks at Jacklin proudly. Jacklin gives a half smile to not seem too happy with herself and walks out of the room, the girls still silent.

"Great work, Jacklin."

The girls nervously look at the scary man. "What are you going to do with us, sir?" Genevieve asks with a shaky voice.



Hopefully, they will get longer.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Thank you for reading!

Bye bye!

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