Chapter 7

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The girls waited for someone to open the secret door and eventually, someone did. A man, known as Iron Man, walks into the large room with an alien-looking ship and so many prizes Hydra had taken. The girls quietly watch him and move closer as he walks along, examining everything in the room.

"Thor, I got eyes on the prize." Iron Man says, speaking through his in-ear piece. When the girls get closer, they see Wanda has crept up behind him, so they stop getting closer and AJ grabs Genevieve's hand to teleport away before being seen.

Wanda gets closer and uses her magic to mess with his mind. When she steps away into a small area, she doesn't notice that AJ and Genevieve are there with her. Wanda stands and stares at Iron Man, reading his mind to know what his greatest fear is.

Wanda's red eyes slowly turn back to her regular green eyes and she backs up from shock at what she saw. Wanda finally noticed that the girls were there beside her and that's when Pietro flashed in, walking towards Iron Man until Wanda stopped him.

The three of them, Pietro, AJ, and Genvieve, all look at Wanda with confusion as to why she had stopped him.

"You're just going to let him take it?" Pietro questions, waiting for Wanda's reply.

"Wanda... We need that Scepter." AJ tries to convince Wanda but she shakes her head and remains silent, still looking at Iron Man.

Iron Man then walks towards the Sceptre and Wanda smiles with hopes that Iron Man will create something to undo his nightmare. He grabs the Sceptre and looks at it in awe.

Not knowing what Wanda's plan is, they all hesitate whether or not to do something. Eventually, they leave and so does Iron Man with the Sceptre.


This is what Gen's suit looks like:

This is what Gen's suit looks like:

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Bye bye!

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