Two girls from Asgard accidentally go down to Midgard (Earth) and get kidnapped by HYDRA, getting powers.
Find out what happens to the two best friends.
AJ: 13 in Thor, 14 during The Avengers, 15 during Thor: TDW, 16 during WS, 17 in AOU, 18 in Civ...
Meanwhile, Pietro attacks one of the Avenegrs known as Hawkeye, and knocks him to the ground.
"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro says with a sarcastic disappointment on his face and speeds away while also bumping into another Avenger, Captain America, which made him fly into the air from how hard Pietro had hit him. Fortunately, he landed on his feet and looked around, wondering who had hit him.
"We have an enhanced in the field." Captain America said before quickly running in a different direction.
Later on, Captain America makes it inside, running into a room and finding Strucker. Wanda listens in the shadows behind Captain America, waiting for the right time to come out.
Wanda hears Captain America say "How many are there?" before pushing him down the stairs with her magic, making him drop his shield. Wanda leaves the room through the door Captain American came through.
Once Captain America makes it back up the stairs, he starts talking to his team through his in-ear piece, "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage."
He looks at Strucker, "You have to be faster than-" Strucker says before Captain American kicks up his shield that was lying on the ground, and kicks it into Strucker, knocking him to the ground, groaning from the pain.
AJ and Genevieve had teleported to the secret room they knew Hydra had, they thought one of the Avengers must be smart enough to know Hydra wouldn't be hiding only files, especially in an open space. The girls knew what the Avengers wanted from Hydra, and they knew where Hydra was hiding it. The Sceptre.
The girls know Russian now
Sorry for the VERY VERY small chapter😭 I'll do better!
Bye bye!
AJ's suit:
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