Chapter 24

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Steve had dropped us off at the Avengers Tower and we all cleaned ourselves. When I finished I put on a full black outfit and went out just before Steve left with Bucky.

"It was fun while it lasted. Oh, who am I kidding it was terrible" I tell Bucky with a smile and my arms crossed.

Bucky chuckles "Hey, we should go" Steve butts in, making Bucky look at him.

"Thanks for your help," Bucky says, looking back at me.

"Bye" I nod

Bucky turns to face the door and walks out. "Be safe," I say, looking at Steve. He sharply nods and leaves. I watch them leave and stand there thinking of what to do. Once I came up with what to do, I lay on the couch and turn on the TV, switching between channels. I stop at a channel I liked and continued to watch.

I suddenly hear footsteps coming from behind me, so I turn and see it's Wanda. I turn back at the TV and Wanda lifts up my legs to sit, placing my legs on top of hers. We continue to watch the show together until I hear my stomach growl, making me think about food. "Hey, are you hungry?" I ask.

"I guess" Wanda replies.

I nod my head and stand up "What do you want?" I ask again.

"I don't know, you choose" Wanda answers.

I smile "Okay, it's either order take-out or my cooking" I give out options.

We both look at each other for a second.



We say at the same time, making both of us laugh after saying it. I grab the phone and think about what to eat. "Okay, another option, we can either get Pizza, Burgers, Tacos, like what sounds good?" I ask once again.

"Definitely Pizza" Wanda replied smiling. I nod and dial a Pizzeria number, ordering two cheese Pizzas. Once I finish, I go sit back down with Wanda. When the Pizzas come, I open the door and take the Pizzas, putting them on the island and grabbing money to pay for them. Wanda grabs a slice and takes a bite while I grab plates, handing one to her. We take our slices and sit back down on the couch. "Pietro, I ordered pizza!" I yell and a sudden gush of wish flies by and Pietro is magically at the island, I laugh at the action and continue to watch the show that is on.


"Hey guys, I'm gonna go for a walk, clear my mind a little," I tell everyone in the room, which was Wanda, Sam, And Pietro. Clint had gone home to his family a while ago. Everyone nodded and went back to what they were originally doing, I grabbed my jacket and headed out for a small walk.

Walking on the sidewalk next to the street, looking down at the concrete I'm walking on. The sun is going down so not a lot of people are out. I'm suddenly at a park, I stop and look at the two kids still playing on the playground, I see a bench so I go over and sit on it, watching the kids have fun, occasionally smiling. Which made me think about my past and how I can't remember it because of HYDRA, I don't even know where I came from.

Watching the children on the playground looked familiar.

Gen and I had gone to the nearby park to hang out. We were sitting on the edge of a slide cause no one else was using it. Frankly, no one else was here to use it soo. Though two women walked by, Talking and taking a seat on a nearby bench, I didn't realize they had walked by until they said a familiar name that made my ears perk up.

"Ya, Did you also hear about Loki being king?" One of the women said.

"Oh wow, No I didn't hear-" The other woman said before I zoned her out and looked at Gen.

"Did you hear that?" I asked

"Hear what? Your loud breathing?" Gen scoffed and smiled.

"Oh my- Genevieve, I'm talking about those women over there, they said that Loki is king now," I told her.

"What? Wait how? What happened to Odin?" Genevieve asked to which I answered with "I don't know, They didn't say anything about that, I hope Odin's ok." Gen nodded, Agreeing with a concerned face that we both shared.

We continued to talk and enjoy the day. We sat in comfortable silence before I asked "Do you ever wonder what it would be like on Midgard? Like what it looks like?" Genevieve thought about this for a minute before looking back at me with a focused face and answered my question. "I guess, Maybe sometimes.".

"Would you ever go over there?" I asked again.

"Ya maybe- Wait, Why are you asking me these questions about Midgard?" Gen questions.

"Well, I don't know. I guess I'm just curious. Like, curious about, going to Midgard." I said.

Gen looks at me like I'm insane. "Oh come on! Look at me in the eyes and tell me you're not curious about Midgard!" I asked, Slightly raising my voice. Luckily, those women left way before this conversation began. Genevieve looked down thinking, She looked back at me, having thought about it.

"Look, I'm just cur-" I said before I got cut off by Genevieve "AJ, I'm curious too. And I would love to see it one day. But, It's dangerous, And even if we planned on doing that, How would we get past Heimdall, I mean he is the Gatekeeper."

What the hell was that? We look so little, And I don't remember when it happened.

It's now getting darker which means those kids' parents take them home. Once I see it's getting late, I stand up and start walking back to the Avengers Tower, still thinking about that thing that I saw. Was it a memory? I don't know if I should tell anyone about it, and if I do, what would they do once they knew?

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