Chapter 26

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When Wanda and I stood up and started walking to where that person went, we turned a corner and didn't see them. They had disappeared.

"What the hell" I whisper. I look around to see if I could find them and Wanda does the same until she grabs my arm to stop me.

"Let's just go back… it's safer" Wanda tells me.

I nod and we walk back to the Avengers Tower.


"Do you want to watch the show with me?" Wanda asked once we got back. 

"Sure" I smiled and followed her to her room where she turned on the TV and sat on the bed. Wanda sat at the end of the bed and I laid on her pillows, still watching the TV.

After a while, I heard my stomach growl "I'm gonna go get snacks, be right back" I got up, Wanda nodded and I headed for the kitchen where I saw Pietro playing games on the TV. I let out a laugh but Pietro didn't look away.

I grabbed chips and gummies for me and Wanda. Walking back into her room, I threw the gummies next to her on the bed and she opened them while I sat back down where I was before.

We continued to watch the sitcom before I heard a door open, I let go of the chip bag and stood up, walking out of Wanda's room to see who had either walked in or walked out. When I walk out, I see the familiar redhead and a smile creeps onto my face.

"Nat!" I chuckle and walk to where she is and hug her. She hugs me back "Hey, Kiddo" Nat hugged me back before letting go.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, a smile still on my face. Wanda had come out and Pietro had walked over to say hi as well, Wanda hugging Nat when I asked, and Pietro after Wanda.

"Just missed you guys, I guess" Nat answered. I smiled even more "I missed you too" I reply.

"Train?" Nat asked. "Oh, not for me. Already went for a walk earlier today." Wanda looked at me and back at Nat before going back to her room to finish her sitcom.

"I'm all for it. Pietro? You want to train?" I looked at Pietro who had sat back on the couch. "Eh," Pietro shrugged his shoulders. 

I clicked my tongue "C'mon, please. I really want to beat your ass." I say, knowing that would make his competitive side come out. 

"Oooh, so you're going to play that game? Okay, let's do it." Pietro chuckled, standing up and facing me. I show a cheeky smile "Yay!" And we walk to the training room.

Since I had jeans and a t-shirt on, I went to the locker room and changed into leggings and a tight shirt so it wouldn't show anything when I move around. I walk back out into the training room and see Pietro ready to fight.

"You ready to be kicked in the ass?" I say

Pietro chuckled "No powers?" He asked "Duh. This is a fighting lesson, not a power lesson." I answer

Pietro took a couple of steps forward to me and before he got too close I ducked down and swiped my leg under him, making him fall. Nat claps and I smile, standing back up. I gave Pietro my hand to help him up and when I thought he was gonna take it and get back up, he took my hand and pulled me down, which makes him end up hovering above me and me groaning on the ground.

"Didn't see that coming, huh?" Pietro Says, standing up and laughing, I put my elbows on the ground and groan, standing back up. "Always think before you do. Never help your opponent even if it's a friend" Nat explains.

I nod once and look back at Pietro. I am not giving him another chance to do that again. We both take a step closer to each other and get ready to fight again. Pietro walked closer while I stayed put until I threw a punch with my right hand, to which he blocked and grabbed my arm, I threw another punch but with my left hand which he also blocked and grabbed.

Now that I had both hands occupied I kneed his stomach, He stumbled back holding his stomach before straightening his body and looking back up at me. 

He walks towards me and we continue to train together. Me getting some wins and him getting some wins. Natasha helping us out at the same time.


"You're pretty good. But not as good as me." I tell Pietro, taking a sip of water. Pietro chuckles and does the same of taking a sip of water. "Alright, shower time" I smiled, Pietro nodded and I turned around to walk out, walking to my room so I could do what I just said. 

When I walked into my room, I stripped and headed for my bathroom. I turned on the shower so it could warm up and I wouldn't be cold when I step in.

Once it's warm enough, I walked inside and let the water fall down my face. Getting calm and only listening to the sound of the water splashing against my head or the floor of the shower, I close my eyes.

"I think we're supposed to put something in it? Like maybe a key?"

I open my eyes and gasp slightly, confused about what that was. After a couple of seconds, I regain my composure and close my eyes again, getting calm and listening to the water.

"Well, I made cookies last night, because I was bored, and I thought, Maybe, Heimdall might want some" 

I open my eyes again, but this time, I'm still calm but my eyebrows still furrow.


My memories are coming back.

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