Chapter 29

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I step out from behind the pillar and shoot out energy balls from my hands, the person blocking and shooting one at me. I blocked it by spinning to my left, running down the hallway with pillars on my right side. Whilst running, that same person shoots more and more blasts towards me, making me lift my arm and cover my face.

I hide behind some wooden boxes and hear Sam and Steve grunting. Looking at what's happening, I see Steve blocking blasts with his shield and Sam flying above, sending Redwing here and there.

Wanda and Clint both come running out, stopping and taking in what's happening before splitting up in different directions, Wanda coming towards me and Clint going to the other side.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asks, crouching down to my level.

"Ya ya, We have to go-" I say before Clint comes crashing through the boxes Wanda and I were behind. Wanda and I moved right on time, still fell, but not crushed.

Clint grunts and sits back up "My bad" he groans before jumping over the boxes to get back in action.

I take Wanda's wrist and teleport to a different area of the abandoned building. "Go that way!" I yell, pointing to another area and pushing her slightly, her running the way I told her to go.

I ran in the opposite direction, the metal door being on my left and the fight being in front of me. 

"Move!" I yell, raising my hands and lifting some boxes with my powers, and throwing them at the unknown person.

I stopped and Sam flew down, hiding behind a pillar next to Steve, who was also standing behind a different pillar, catching his breath.

Since the building is old, there are dust particles everywhere. Pietro took that advantage and ran circles around them, the unknown being. More dust flies but only following Pietro until a green flash blasts Pietro against a different metal door.

"Pietro!" Wanda yells, starting to run towards her brother but gets blasted as well, crashing into a concrete pillar.

I run in, jumping up and wrapping my legs around their neck from the front, flipping them over and me landing safely on my feet until they trip me by sliding their leg under me, making me fall to their level.

They got on top of me, pinning my wrists to the ground so I couldn't move. I struggle until I look them in the eyes, I chuckle and teleport out of that position and behind them, kicking their back.

They fell to their stomach but quickly swooped around, laying on their back. They raised their hands and tried to blast me, so I raised my arms to block my face and to my surprise, I didn't feel anything hit me.

I look forward and see a red barrier in front of me, I then look behind to see Wanda had used her magic to shield me from the blast, so I look back at the person and I blast them instead, making them fly back.

They immediately get back up, like nothing just happened, and walk towards me, stopping at a reasonable distance. They quickly raise one arm and suddenly I hear screeching-like sounds in my head. I groan out, loudly, and fall to my knees, my vision blurring until it stops, I saw Steve had come up from behind them, starting to fight each other.

I crawl away and catch my breath, squeezing my eyes shut and opening them to adjust my sight back to normal. Wanda and Sam had come over to check if I was okay, but I still hear a slight ringing in my ears.

"Damn, that hurt" I pant out, which made Sam chuckle and Wanda smirk, as well as shaking her head slightly. Wanda stands up and walks out of view "Can you hear me? Hey, you good?" Sam snaps in my face, my hearing going in and out.

I raise my hand and slap his hand away from my face "Don't do that, it's annoying" I pant slower and smirk. Sam rolls his eyes "I'm getting back out there, stay here until you can see and hear, okay?" I nod as an answer for Sam, he stands up and I can see his bird wings fly out.

Once I can see and hear perfectly, I slowly stand back up. I don't notice that my eyes start to glow. A blue light shines from both of my hands and I lift one box, throwing it at the unknown person. They block it, as well as a punch from Steve. They grab Steve's arm and flip him over, making him land hard on his back, they then looked at me and tilted their head slightly, waiting for what's to happen.

I lift more boxes with both of my hands, one on my right and one on my left. "Well that hurt… I didn't like it one bit," I say before throwing both boxes at them, walking forwards and lifting more boxes, of course, throwing those boxes at them as well.

They use their powers to move the boxes away from them or to blast them before it hits themself. Them, having enough of it, blast all the boxes at once and then blast me, now their eyes are glowing, but theirs are green.

I go flying back, hitting a pillar. Wanda and Pietro fight together against the unknown person and I groan, standing back up.

Yet again, they blast the twins away and Steve goes on the right side of them while Sam lands on the left side of them. Unknown caught both of them before they could do anything and this time I stand there, thinking of what to do.

I think of something but it's dangerous, Steve and Sam both have them trapped. I can do this.

I walk forwards and immediately blast them, not letting go. Full energy force hitting them in the stomach.

They let go of Sam and Steve, flying back and hitting the wall behind them. Once they gain stability, they force their hands up and use their powers to fight against the strong energy I shot at them, also walking forwards.

"AJ stop! What're you doing?!" Wanda yells, Pietro, holding her back so she doesn't get hit.

I pant and grow tired, keeping my eyes open as long as I can, staying focused. I slowly turn to look at Wanda in Pietro's arms before looking back at Unknown, pushing the force from my powers harder.

My legs grow weak and start to slowly give out until Unknown goes flying back into that same wall they crushed into the first time.

Both of us let go of our powers and I fell to my knees, panting even more, if that was possible. Unknown's mask flew off in the process of being smashed into a wall and I saw a glimpse of their face before everything went black.

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