Chapter 21

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"There's our ride," Clint said, turning a corner.

We start running faster, Steve and Scott had joined us.

"Come on!" Steve yelled, leaving over Bucky and Sam. They both joined us as well and we ran as a team.

Suddenly there's a yellow beam shooting down, making a line in front of us, making us stop.

"Captain Rogers… I know you believe what you're doing is right." Vision says, still floating in the air.

Tony flew down with Nat on his back and Vision continued "But for the collective good… you must surrender now." Vision adds, Rhodey flew by and dropped Panther down, him landing with a roll and Rhodey landing as well. The kid had swung over with a flip and Vision was starting to slowly hover down.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks, not taking his eyes off the other team.

"We fight," Steve answers, walking forwards and us following.

We start walking faster and faster till the point we are running. Tony and Rhodey start flying, Sam lets his wings out so he can fly as well, Wanda pushes herself off the ground and we meet the team. Fighting. Pietro runs towards the kid and I teleport around people.

I teleport behind Nat and kick at her back, making her stumble forwards, she catches herself and looks around to see me. Nat relaxes the tiniest bit "AJ, please, don't make me do this." 

I stare at her "You have no idea how much I don't want to do this, Nat." I say

"Then don't." Natasha pleaded

"I'm sorry," I say before teleporting behind her once again and kicking her legs, making her fall to her knees. I flip over her, my hands on her shoulders, landing in front of her. She blocks my knee that was about to hit her chin and she flips me to my back, making me land hard. I groan for a second but get back up, grabbing the knife on my leg while doing so.

I go at her but being the assassin she is, she blocks every move I make. Until I teleport away, making her look around but to see me not near. I teleport back over to her, ducking down and slicing her leg, teleporting back behind her. She grunts and grabs the area on her leg where I stabbed her and whips her head to look behind her. I run towards her and she turns her whole body, trying to figure out what move I was gonna do.

She was trained by the Red Room. While I was trained by HYDRA. She didn't fully know my moves.

When I teleport out of her way and behind her once again she turns around quickly and blocks my attack, I swing at her again which Nat backs away, dodging. I throw a punch to which she blocks again and grabs my arm, holding it out to try and twist it behind me. But I grab her arm with my free one and twist her around, making my arm go around her waist and I flip her out, making her land on the ground hard. 

I then hold her down so she can't do anything or go anywhere until she wraps her legs around the arm I was holding her with and flips me over. I look up, still on my knees, and I see Natasha was about to kick me until Wanda holds her foot with her magic and makes her fly away, Nat hitting a metal box on wheels. I don't know what that is. She lands on the ground with a groan and Wanda picks me up.

"Hey, you good?" Wanda asks, slightly out of breath.

"Yea, yea all good," I say quickly.

Wanda nods her head and lets go of my arm, running off to fight someone else.

Being as Natasha was still on the ground, I teleport away, somewhere where Nat isn't.

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