Chapter 18

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Steve swerved and jumped out of the car, parts of the ceiling were falling, so chunks of large concrete rocks were on the ground. I teleported outside of the car and far away from the rocks, tripping on the ground while doing it. The car Steve drove flipped over multiple times and came flipping over towards us until stopping.

Bucky was still lying on the ground but Panther stood up and walked over to Bucky, standing above him. Before Panther could do anything to Bucky, Steve grabbed Panther by the waist and flipped him over and away from Bucky. 

Panther slowed himself by putting his claws to the ground. Steve stood up with Bucky and I teleported next to him. Cop cars came driving towards us quickly before stopping in front of us. I look behind and see more cop cars. Bucky took a small step forward but Steve stopped him, looking at the Panther dude.

Out of nowhere, War Machine comes flying in, landing on the ground and putting up his arms, aiming for us with his hands. The gun on his shoulder also came out.

"Stand down, now." Rhodey orders.

The cops had aimed for us as well, but with their guns. Rhodey has his gun, of course, but he also has his blasters on his palms.

Steve put his shield on his back as a sign of yield "Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal." Rhodey states.

Steve puts his hands up, while Bucky and I's arms stay down, not caring about it. The cops around us come walking towards us and they force Bucky on his knees. Sam also came out, with his hands up as well. The cops were aiming their guns towards him and they make him walk to where we are. 

Panther put his arms up suddenly and a cop came behind Steve to take his arms and put him in cuffs. While another cop came around me and kicked my legs in, making me land on my knees, Like what they did to Bucky.

Panther put his claws away and took off his mask. Revealing his identity.


My eyes go wide as I'm still on the ground, letting the cops cuff me. T'Challa looks at Rhodey "Your Highness." Rhodey said.

Bucky had been laid on the floor, Bucky continues to uncomfortably wiggle around. T'Challa looks at Bucky, then at Steve, then down at me. I give him a disgusted face while the cop picks me up and takes me away.


Wanda's POV


I get bored of just staying in my room so I go out to the kitchen to see what Vision is doing. I suddenly smell paprika and a bunch of other seasonings.

"Is that paprikash?" I ask

"I thought it might lift your spirits." Vision replies.

I chuckle and walk over to him, grabbing the spoon in the pot, I scoop up some of the food and blow on it, thinking it's gonna be hot, as Vision is cooking it right now. Once I blow on it a few times I take a sip of it and Vision looks at me, wanting an answer of how it tastes. I look at him, nodding and smiling.

"Spirits lifted," I say, looking back at the pot and stirring it.

"In my defense, I haven't actually ever eaten anything before, so-" Vision confesses.

"May I?" I cut him off 

"Please." Vision answers.

I take a seasoning bottle and smell it, not knowing what seasoning it is. I add some of it into the pot and Vision walks away.

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