Chapter 25

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"Oh my god, What did we just do!?" Genevieve said, Freaking out.

"Um, Hey, It's okay, We're fine," I said also slightly freaking out, But also trying to comfort her.

"No, No AJ! We did something very, very bad. And you say that that's okay!?" Genevieve yelled at me.

"Hey! I'm only trying to help you! This wasn't my fault!" I yelled back. It was just silent for a minute. "Look, I'm sorry that this happened, But I don't know what to do, okay? I am just as scared as you are. Everything's fine, Just please breathe, Calm down." I said, trying to calm her down again. Genevieve inhales, then exhales to try and calm herself down. "Sorry, I'm just really scared, What're we gonna do? Our parents are probably wondering where we are." Genevieve said.

"Hey, No need to apologize, We're ok, And I'm sure our parents are probably freaking out right now but, I don't know what to do. So for now, We just need to stick together okay?" I said, Chuckling softly.

Gen nodded, Agreeing and cracking a small smile. I looked around to find out which way to go. "Come on, Let's go this way," I said, Making sure Genevieve knew that I wanted to start walking.


I woke up from my dream and opened my eyes until I noticed it was too bright, I closed them and pulled up the blanket over my head so I had just darkness. 

Minutes later, I pull the blanket back down and adjust to the sunlight by blinking and rubbing my eyes. I sit up and look at the time

12:23 pm

I groan and put my head in my hands before looking back up, standing, I walked out of my room to go to the kitchen so I could have breakfast.

What is happening to me?

Why is it just happening now?

Are these memories?

Or are they just my imagination from the loss?

I thought before opening the fridge to look for food. When I finally decided on eggs, I grabbed the egg carton and closed the fridge, heading to the stove so I could cook some eggs.

Someone walked in, probably hearing me, and I turned around to see who it was.

"Afternoon," Pietro said with a smile. I look at him and shake my head slightly. I hum as my answer and a couple of seconds later, Pietro asks me "What's on your mind?" 

"Hm? Oh no um, nothing." I say, looking at him after cracking an egg in a bowl that I grabbed out of the cupboard.

Pietro tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows "Fine. I had a dream last night, and I don't know what it means. It was different and I don't remember it at all. And I don't know if it's a memory… or if it's just my mind playing tricks on me…" I explain

"Do you want to tell me about it? The dream." Pietro asked

I look at him again after cracking another egg "It was weird. I saw her…" I say with tears forming in my eyes after a couple of seconds.

"Who?" He asks again

"Genevieve. The dream had the both of us… in a grassy field… she was freaking out… and so was I. But I don't remember it… so I don't know if it's real… or not." I explain again "Is there something wrong with me?" I ask with tears falling out of my eyes.

"What? No, no, no, AJ, nothing is wrong with you. I don't know what you see… and I don't know what it means, but nothing is wrong with you." Pietro stands up and walks over to me, hugging me.

"I don't know why it's happening… why now? And why can't I remember it?" I ask, looking at him after hugging him for a couple of seconds.

"I don't know… but we will find out," Pietro reassures me, hugging me once more.


I got bored of being by myself so I walk to Wanda's room. 

"Hey, um, do you want to go for a walk?" U ask, opening the door. I see Wanda sitting on her bed watching her daily dose of Sitcoms.

Wanda thinks for a second before nodding and humming. "Ok, I'll just wait at the door" I reply. Wanda nods again and I walk away, closing the door.

I walk to the door and put on my shoes, grabbing my coat as well, when I finished putting my stuff on, Wanda comes out wearing a black jacket, putting on her shoes as well and we both head out for a small walk.

"Wanda, I need to know something. But I don't know if you'll know the answer." I break the silence once we officially leave the tower.

"Okay?" Wanda replies.

"Ok, um, I've been having these… dreams, and I don't know what they mean," I confess. Wanda hums as a yes. "...I see Genevieve… in them, in the dreams… but I don't remember it happening, I don't know if it's just my mind making up scenarios… or if it actually happened in the past… and I just don't know it did," I explain. Wanda furrows her eyebrows and thinks about what I just said.

"Are you comfortable saying where you were in the dream?" Wanda asks

"In a grassy field. It was like… we landed somewhere… on earth? And we were both freaking out, she said something like 'What did we just do'... and I was trying to calm her down… while also freaking out." I explain once again.

"Landed somewhere on earth?" Wanda said, confused.

"Ya I know sounds crazy but… it's what happened." I reply

"Well, it might be a memory that's just now coming back… but you can never know… until you figure it out and know for sure," Wanda explains. I nod and look forward, trying not to cry for the second time today. 

We made it to the park that I found yesterday, there is a big grassy land behind the same park so we walked to what we thought would be the middle, and the both of us laid down, looking at the bright sky.

"So, Wanda, is Wision a thing yet?" I ask

Wanda looks at me confused "What is Wision?" She chuckled

"I'll take that as a no" I reply, also letting out a laugh.

"No, no, no what is it?" She asks again and sits up, me following.

"Wanda and Vision" I answer slowly with a smile on my face, not knowing how she would react to it.

"What! What do you mean 'Wanda and Vision'? Like… a ship name?" Wanda has shock on her face and went completely red.

I nod and Wanda puts her head in her hands, groaning. "Noo," Wanda says. I continue to laugh and she joins in after a couple of seconds.

Once the laughter died down I see a black figure standing by the playground and just staring at us. Wanda sees my eyebrows furrow and looks behind, which makes her furrow her brows as well. "Who… is that?" Wanda asks.

I shake my head "I don't know" the person then walks fastly in the other direction. I don't follow and neither does Wanda, we just stay confused, sitting in the grass.


Sorry this one is short

I wanted it to be some sort of cliff hanger thing lol

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