Once Pietro arrives with Wanda, they all notice that on a small TV, the news shows Captain America fighting Ultron on top of a long, white truck. They all glance at one another with worry and then start looking around to see which direction they have to go in order to help fight against Ultron.
Rogers and Ultron crash into a train, landing inside of it. Just then, Pietro puts down Wanda, being as he had picked her up to bring her there, and flashes through to bump into Ultron, catching him off guard.
AJ had teleported herself and Genevieve onto the train as well and followed Wanda as they tried to keep their balance while walking closer to Ultron.
Wanda uses her magic to bring down the metal bars from the ceiling of the train to block Ultron from getting closer to Pietro.
Ultron looks back at the three girls, "Please... Don't do this." Ultron begged.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda replied. Ultron turns around to look back at Pietro and shoots lasers from his fingers. Luckily, Pietro had ducked down and dodged Ultron's attack, but it knocked out the train operator.
Ultron then blasts the wall of the train and flies out, making the teenagers lose balance and grip on the seats to stay standing.
Rogers gets back up from the seat he was taking cover in, "I lost him! He's headed your way!" Rogers yells into his in-ear piece while running over to the train operator to see if he's okay.
When Rogers looks up, he notices that the train gets closer and closer to the terminator that ends the train track.
The train eventually slams into the terminator and everyone on the train screams from how painful the bumping of the train coming off of the track was.
Rogers looks to the four teenagers "There are civilians in our path."
Pietro and AJ run and teleport out of the train to move the civilians out of the way while Wanda and Genevieve look back at Rogers for instructions.
"Can you two stop this thing?" Rogers questions the two girls. Genevieve nods while Wanda looks at Rogers nervously, not knowing if she can do it.
Wanda and Genevieve lift their hands up and use their magic to try and bring the train to a stop. Using all their strength and power to do so.
When the train finally comes to a halt, the girls jump out, looking for Pietro and AJ. Genevieve spots AJ collapsing in the middle of the street from the amount of teleporting she's done. She runs over to AJ and helps bring her back to her feet.
"It's okay, you did amazing," Genevieve says while lifting AJ up.
"Thanks," AJ replies, breathing heavily but still having enough strength to show a small smile.
When Wanda spots Pietro leaning on a wall, she runs towards him and places a hand on his back, and the other on his arm to lift him up.
"I'm fine. I just need a minute." Pietro tiredly says, sitting down.
"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Rogers threatens, walking over to Wanda and Pietro. Genevieve helps AJ over as well, placing her on the wall behind Wanda so that she can lean on it.
"The Cradle. Did you get it?" Wanda worriedly questions.
"Stark will take care of it," Steve says, reticent about sharing anything more.
"No, he won't," Wanda says, shaking her head.
"We'll make sure he won't." Genevieve threatens.
Ignore the next few chapters, they don't match because the chapters after this one are old.
Bye bye!
The Powerful Duo {A Marvel Story}
Hayran KurguTwo girls from Asgard accidentally go down to Midgard (Earth) and get kidnapped by HYDRA, getting powers. Find out what happens to the two best friends. AJ: 13 in Thor, 14 during The Avengers, 15 during Thor: TDW, 16 during WS, 17 in AOU, 18 in Civ...