The Topsy Turvy Routine

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Do you remember the days when I had to wake up at 4 in the morning and ran through the chores of the Shukla house until my feet ached? Do you remember those busy days I had when I never even realised to have my breakfast or infact that the afternoon had already conquered the skies and I am yet to learn to sit and breathe?

Well, this is the thing about Karma, what you sow, thus you reap.

It's been a week since I got discharged from the hospital and here I am laying on the bed with orders from my in-laws and husband to not even move my little finger!

Do you even see the irony of the situation that I am in?

That's the meaning of bed-rest, isn't it?

Life has been taking me into a new dimension of sweetness experience. The excitement of a new life, so pure and innocent and beautiful definitely lit the house even before it arrived. But most importantly, somehow, my mother-in-law started celebrating my presence, now more than ever!

I've been showered with amazing and healthy food, ensured that I've been given oil massages and warm water baths,  and infact, she keeps a track of my sleepy time as well!

Her motherly care certainly elevated me to a new level of liking and fondness for her!

Rekha had been shouldering all the household responsibilities inspite of her academics and when I tried to talk her out of it, she literally either calls Ma ji or my husband for her defense!

Her unique way to care for me and her nephew/niece is simply so beautiful. Her patience and sense of maturity that seaps through her with every passing day, makes me grow in confidence with her life choices; well, that's a sideline to it!

Babaji has been given incharge to give me fresh fruits and ensure that I eat sumptuous amount of them everyday.

They had a common goal: to keep me and this unborn child healthy and happy.

Therefore, there definitely was a silver lining to all of it. This really meant more privacy with my husband, which was personally ensured by Ma and Baba ji. He was there, day in and day out, helping me with the medicines, food, care and ofcourse, he's a man who knows how to love a woman and take care of her, especially during times as unprepared and as sudden as these.

Honestly, I enjoyed this treatment and prayed that the life in me is safe and healthy. That's all it mattered, and probably that's the instinct you develop because of motherhood.

However so, there were unbrewed concerns that shadowed the hearts of my husband and me. Firstly, parenthood was new to the both of us. What to expect and what to anticipate, the level of maturity that we have to impart through this responsibility keeps us awake through the sleepless nights.

" You are going to be a wonderful mother Pavi..."

This is what he says, and I melt at his confidence and love, every single time.

"And you are going to be there?"

"Always and forever, Pavi..."

He gently cups my face as we lie on our bed to kiss me.

Mmm... The taste of him... The smell of him... The feel of him... Just boosts me with the lost confidence.

I take his other hand and place it on my tummy.

He smiles gently at me clearing my face from my messy hair...

"What?", I asked him, suddenly feeling shy.

"I love you..." , he said, earnestly.

I tried to lift myself from the bed to peck his lips again, but the weakness didn't let me do so.

My face suddenly fell and he noticed it.

He bridged the gap between us sealing me with yet another full, ravishing, love enthralled, hormone peaked kiss, with all the gentleness and manliness that he could ever be possessed with.

When we broke, both of us were left breathless.

Even before I could speak, I realised he actually wasn't done talking!

"Pavi, I also love your dreams.
They are very much a part of you. I know we now have another life coming into our lives and we also have a lot to figure out. But consider this, what if you treated your passion and dream as another kid?

Won't it be like raising two kids at the same time?"

Oh, this man, right here, just takes life out of my heart. How did I get so lucky to have him? Look at the depths of things that he could think of?

I mean, can you even imagine?

I swear to God, I love him; more than what I say or show or act on it.


"Please don't say no to this Pavi..."


"See, this is as much important to me as it is to you...

I'll talk to Ma and Baba; if that's what is stopping you from actually getting things done. Plus you are on bed-rest Pavi... You cannot be of much help to Ma with the household chores.

You are not going to also!

You can use these 8 months in studying and we can arrange for home tuitions for you. We'll also re-open the tution centre so that could be another source of income to our family. And, in my opinion, doing this is going to keep you really happy.

I mean, I know you'd choose an academic oriented life instead of a life filled with household chores right?"

I chuckled.

" I mean, think about it! It's important that you are happy and that would keep our child happy.

Only if you both are happy, can I be happy..."

Tears pooled out of my eyes...

I didn't know what to say...

I pulled him by collar and hugged him.

He kissed my cheek as a happy response and well, once again, the rest was history!


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