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The puzzled look on my face made him chuckle. He popped open the champagne bottle and poured the crystal clear liquid into two glasses. He handed over one glass to me while he raised the other, and asked me to drink.

"Ji, but-"

" Pavi, it's just you and me, we are ought to loosen up and have some fun. Plus the weather is cold, we could use a bit of-"

Even before he could finish the sentence I took a welcoming sip. Still wondering what was in his head, I didn't dare take my eyes off from my man.

Finishing his glass, he stood up and slowly walked towards me. I was still seated and he opened the food cover in front of me.
What I saw shocked me.

It was a beautiful stethoscope.


I sat on the seat just looking at the beautiful silver coloured instrument that I dreamt of owning from my childhood. It looked so majestically calm and the fact that my husband picked it out all by himself made me want to cry.

And so, I did. The pool of tears that springed from my eyes were literally unstoppable as I just stood up to only fall onto my husband's warmest and safest embrace. He gently rubbed my back to calm me down but I as much as I tried to do so, more tears encompassed through my eyes.

Raj ji patiently waited for the dust of my tears to settle down. He kissed my head and pulled me out from our entwined hug to just look at me. He smiled to realise that this gift did mean a lot to me and contentment just spread across his face.

"Pavi, are you okay now?"

"Ye-s-", I choked.

He laughed and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Can I talk now?"

"Mm-hmm!" I nodded, biting my lip.

He gently guided me back to my chair and he kneeled down to hold my hands.

" Pavi, when our marriage was fixed, you were just supposed to be my wife. Well, that is what I expected so.

But the real meaning of husband and wife really started catching up to me only after I met and married you. You are my friend, my partner in crime, my lover, my secret keeper, my business partner and what not!

The way you prioritise my family and celebrate them over your personal interests it still awes me, even after all these months. The day you told me about your dreams, I never really understood what they actually meant according to the definition of the world, but all I could understand was that this was really important to you.

You made me a man who wants to make your dreams, a reality Pavi. The unconditional love that you shower upon my family and me, the sacrifices you make, the way you carry yourself around polished and pointed me towards doing so.

To see you in pain, now pains me the most and that's why this afternoon, seeing you with those bruises and love bites, weirdly made me think of how efficiently you deal with things.  

That's when I stepped out of the resort and arranged for this. I know it's a bit too early to try this on, but I am sure you'll reach there one day and I shall promise you that I will be there, all along, if that's what it takes to make you achieve your dreams.

I love you, Pavithra, with all my heart and soul.

Happy honeymoon, darling!"

I seriously didn't know what to say. My heart fluttered like a teenager so madly drunk in love and my soul sat rooted like an aged banyan tree while I listened to my man speaking those words.

I couldn't match those words with words and so I bent to meet his softest lips to kiss him earnestly, sealing the deepest  and chastised one.

He was momentarily taken by surprise  but never missed the opportunity to kiss me back.

We broke it out with our breathlessness as my hands playfully caressed his beard.

Giving a peck on his nose, I replied,

Raj ji, I really don't know what to say. You are my man, you know that right? The man who owns my body, mind, heart and soul, who bathes me with unconditional love.

Sometimes I really think how did I end up with a person like you-"

With that I kissed him quickly on his lips, but before he could respond back, I took a step away because I really wanted to tell him how I feel.

"You  mean the world to me and I will ensure that I do my best to make you proud.
Thank you so much, baby!"

I then blushed deeply in embarrassment and shyness.

I've never "baby-ed" him.

He laughed and slowly stood up.

"What is honeymoon doing to my wife?"

I jokingly swatted his arm and he laughed harder.

"You always make me proud baby..."

With those words, he lifted the stethoscope and placed it around my neck. It felt as if I was marrying him all over again this time with love in our hearts, peace in our minds and bearing the same principle in our souls.

Tears cherished this moment too as I looked at myself and then into him. He looked a bit emotional too as he ceased the opportunity to kiss me once again and this time I could feel his want as there was lust playing along too.

As much as I wanted this to happen, I very gently pulled him out from the kiss and rubbed his tummy.

"After dinner, perhaps?", I winked.


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