P2: Coping Mechanism

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It's been two days since Baba was in the ventilator. His condition was becoming more and more critical and since he was in the ICU, not everyone were allowed inside.

Raj ji and me chose to stay in the ICU waiting room while everyone else went home. Sleeplessness, depression,  pain of departure and reality caught me as I suddenly felt ghost-like to even feel emotions.

"Pavi, you really need to take some rest. You have exams from tomorrow-"

"Ji, it's my father-"

The familiar heaviness that ached my heart returned again.

"Pavi, you are a doctor in the making because of your father, okay? You cannot jeopardize your career in the name of guilt. Honey, I am so sorry and I wish I could make this all better, but things have spanned out to be this way.

I really don't think even your father will like you being like this Pavi; you are beating yourself too much. We are all worried sick, baby! Please come back to me-", he almost begged.

I took a deep breath trying to digest his words. I needed my man to be with me, I really really did. He is my start and my end and therefore, the only person who can aid me in coping up with this all.

I stood up from the seat and slowly directed him to a nearby blind spot in that floor. Clueless of what was happening, Raj ji followed me with a worry on his face. The silent walk to the blind spot really helped to analyse everything.

I slowly took care that no-one was really around and pulled my husband as close as I could and kissed him on his soft and bearded lips. I stiffly held his collar and didn't let go of it, until pain overtook me all over as tears followed while my grieving moment with my husband deepened.

"Baby- ushhh", he breathed as he broke our kiss and earnestly looked at me.

He held me by my waist and kissed my ears and cheeks to wipe away my tears.

"I know you are going through a lot, but you are not alone, okay?"

"I have never received father's love Raj ji, it's just so-"

"You are doing your best, as a daughter and as a doctor-"

That was the moment of truth. I sadly smiled back at him.

He looked at me and kissed quickly. God, I missed him and even as he left me breathless, he was still the air that I breathed.

"I am with you and it's going to get better. But you've gotta study for your exams. You can study here, right?"

I nodded.

"Then how about you? Your presentations, hmm?"

"Honestly, Manish has been a God sent angel to aid me through all of this Pavi-"

"Not just you, our whole family. It is really kind of him to do all of this for us."

"Yeah, we really need to talk to him and thank him properly Pavi."

"Yes indeed."

A sudden sense of silence spread between us as a disturbed thought conquered him.

"What is it?", I asked and his surprise of me reading his mind shed on his face.


"Raj ji, I have a son with you, it can never be nothing when you have that face-"

"Pavi, where are your sisters?"

A sense of numbness galloped within me. My mother had told me that she had informed them, but honestly it had been ages since I met them. Things are really complicated between the three of us, but I really thought they would make it for Baba.

The long pause gave a loud answer to my husband.

"I am so sorry, my dear!"

"You don't have to be- I think I didn't try enough to bond with them, too"

"Why don't you call them up?"

Hesitation swayed across me, but if not now, then when can I think of talking to them?

"I will-"

I took out my phone to see that there was no mobile coverage.

"Raj ji, let me call them up from the hospital entrance. There is no reception here."

"Okay dear, let me also call up Manish-"

I nodded politely and walked straight to the reception. As I took out my phone to make a call, I saw two familiar faces, a bit grown up than what I saw them previously. 

Two pairs of eyes glanced back at me.The taller one resembled me in many ways though she was fairer than me in complexion. The shorter one however had my father's features dominating her.

"Didi-?", called out the shorter one.

I wasn't mistaken, it was my youngest sister.



A dominating male voice called out my younger sister's name.

A flabbergasted Manish stood staring at my sisters and me.


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