P2: Go With The Flow

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As we were returning from Raj Ji's college back home, I sat behind him in his bike and enjoyed every moment being caressed by the evening breeze. It was one of those carefree times that I desperately wanted to spend with my husband.

I snaked my arms tightly around his waist while he drove steadily. Though it was around a 15-20 minute ride, each second was romantically lit as I drenched in its love-filled reflections.

We reached home to find that nobody was there. I think Ma and Babaji would have taken Dev along with them to the shop back at our old place. Rekha ofcourse would still be in her college. This leaves the whole house to ourselves!

I could feel my husband already smirking at me while I tried to keep myself composed. As we climbed the steps to our place, my husband's fastened breaths showed how uneasy and impatient he was becoming!

I coyly smiled at him as opened the door. He walked in patiently and locked eyes with me. God, he looked like a Greek Avatar!

My sexy man, ladies and gentlemen!

He took his bold steps towards me as I felt myself pinned to the spot that I stood. It is true that I really couldn't take my eyes off him and with the college attire, breeze messing up with his long hair, his charming beard and that cocky smile, he personified to be a visual treat.

My breaths fastened too and it was loud and echoing as the silence supported the resonance. As he bridged the gap between us, his fingers intertwined with mine. His smile didn't leave his face nor did his gaze upon me.

I blushed at the attention that seeked me through him and I put my head down, shying away from him. Somehow, this made me crane my neck giving him a visible access to slowly and gently shower me with tenderly kisses.

I let out a small moan. It was involuntary and beyond my control. My man did know how to make his woman happy. He knows which nerve to pull and I surrendered myself to his expertise.

"You are so beautiful, do you know that?", he grunted.

"I am the hot chick waving at you from 9 o' clock-", I barely whispered back.

He smiled widely and reached my face to finally explore my lips with his one hundred percent love enriched kiss! I felt myself dissolve over and over again with his attempts of showcasing the very principle of being romantic.

"I missed you-", he said, breaking breathlessly from the kiss.

Yes we do spend time together, travel and stuff, get our fair share of romance, but certainly it wasn't like before. I felt knots creating in my stomach or maybe others would describe them to be metaphorical butterflies.

I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and just tightly hugged him. Taking me by surprise, he lifted me up and I elegantly wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms still didn't leave his neck as this elevated stature gave me a clear view of his beaming face.

"Am I heavy?", I asked consciously!

"Oh baby, you never will be for me-", he told me convincingly as he walked towards our bedroom. I played with his hair all along, making it all the more messier and sexier, just the way I like it.

"What is your obsession with my hair?", he asked me curiously.

"It's my territory, that's what it is-"

On that note, he gently dropped me on our king-sized bed with a soft thud.

"Is it so?", he breathed through his words.

I pulled him by his collar, making him almost fall on me, but he did handle himself.

"And now it's time to show my territory-"

"Ji!", I gently tapped his cheek!

Did I intend to slap him?

"Wha-?", Raj ji exclaimed, taken fully by surprise!

"Did you just-?"

"Oh, no no-", I collected words from all corners of my head.

He just laughed; not the normal heart aching laugh which he usually beams with, but rolling over the floor and laughing!

I have certainly become his piece of amusement, haven't I?

"What?", I asked him back with a serious face.

"You're so cute!"

"And you're so cheesy!", I blurted back.

"That I am!", he agreed.

I still maintained a straight face.

"What?", he laughingly asked and then reached my cheeks and gave them more attention than to me.


"You are unbelievable!"

"And you are mine!"

"That I am!"

"I love you", I confessed.

"I know.", he said with authority.

But he didn't reply. Instead his domino actions of love reciprocated the point.

It was definitely the alone time that we needed as husband and wife, and not as students or people with tags of responsibilities. This was definitely a recharge to the both of us. We just ended up cuddling up and catching for our breaths.

A wave of love spread warmly around me as I hugged my husband tightly and lay my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating so fast and the effect that I had on him. I gently walked my fingers through his chest as if to calm him down.

Suddenly I heard a phone ring. On decoding the tune, I understood that it was my phone that was ringing. Slowly, I slipped from the bed and wore my husband's t-shirt and walked to the hall.

The phone however stopped ringing. I lifted my phone to see a notification that I had one missed call.

"Who is it Pavi?", my husband asked me from our bedroom.

I unlocked my phone to find out that it was Ma.

I froze.

Unable to bear a silent reaction from me, Raj ji walked to the hall in just his pajama pants. He questioningly raised his eyebrows.

"It's from Ma.", I choked.

"Ma? I mean she must have called to ask about Dev, Pavi-"

"Not Ma ji-", I stopped him in between.

"It's from Ma, my mother-"

Silence encapsulated between us as Raj ji pulled me towards him and caressed me. He certainly did understand the complications!


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