Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 5 - The Meeting

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Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 5 - The Meeting

There was a small shack in between the main city of Tokyo and the entrance to the woods. In the shack was a young man with dark blue hair, a tan hoodie, and a brown scarf. It was Kametsu Shouichi, and he seemed to be waiting on someone.

Shouichi: "Hmmm..."

Just then, someone entered the shack. It was Shouichi's older brother, Atsushi, who was rocking a new hair color that was light brown. The brothers were happy to see each other again, and they went in for a nice bro hug.

Shouichi: "Atsushi!"

Atsushi: "Hey little bro, how's everything been?"

Shouichi: "Pretty great! Everything in Nishina has been pretty peaceful! Ai are also a lot closer than ever..."

Atsushi: "Heh, I'm a bit jealous, I'm an actor and I don't even have a girlfriend. Meanwhile, my 16 year old brother has had one for over half a year."

Shouichi: "Hehe. So Atsushi, what brings you here to Tokyo?"

Atsushi: "A couple of reasons actually. Firstly is because I plan to audition for a TV role, and second is because I was called here by Hajime."

Shouichi: "Hajime? I was called here by Touya."

Atsushi: "I wonder why they called us here..."

Shortly after, Touya and Hajime both arrived at the shack and greeted the Kametsu brothers. Shouichi walked up to his best friend and they both did a fist bump.

Shouichi: "Hey Touya!"

Touya: "Hello Shouichi."

Hajime: "Alright we all know each other, I believe we can skip the reunion, especially since you two often see each other all the time."

Shouichi: "Fair enough."

Atsushi: "So, what exactly is this meeting about?"

Hajime: "I have been sensing something... strange via the dragon gene for the past few days. I have tracked down the source here in Tokyo, and Touya has been helping me find the cause of it. I called you all here to show you all..."

Shouichi: "Why couldn't Wataru and the others come along?"

Touya: "Mostly everyone is busy. Like how Wataru is busy with education, Chuuji is busy with life in Hiroshima, and other stuff."

Hajime: "Anyways... Touya and I managed to find the person causing these strange power surges." Hajime took out a photo and set it on the table, it was a picture of Ryutaro!

Shouichi: "Nani? Who is that?"

Hajime: "This boy is Sumeragi Ryutaro, and he has been the cause of the power surges. Touya and I came to the conclusion that he... also possesses the dragon gene."

Shouichi & Atsushi: "Nani?!"

Shouichi: "I thought only you, Ikkou, and Ryusei had the dragon gene!"

Atsushi: "If this is true, how could someone we've never even heard of possess something that belonged to people who have been long dead?"

Hajime: "Well Touya and I came up with a couple of theories. One could be that someone gave him the dragon gene. Another is that he could have gotten it genetically..."

Shouichi: "You don't mean..."

Touya: "Indeed. Sumeragi Ryutaro could potentially be the son of Tatsumi Ryusei."

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