Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 10 - School Cruel

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Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 10 - School Cruel

Ryutaro, Hikari, and Kuromu were all getting ready to go to school for the day. Ryutaro had recently enrolled at their school, and today was going to be his first day at Wada High School. Their uniforms consisted of a white shirt, red tie, and light grey pants. Ryutaro soon got his uniform on, and showed it to the Ohtori twins.

Ryutaro: "Well guys... what do you think?"

Hikari: "Wow Ryutaro, you look amazing!"

Kuromu: "Yeah, although it will be weird seeing you without that cool purple jacket of yours."

Ryutaro: "This is vastly different from Canada... the school I went to didn't have uniforms, and obviously it was English..."

Hikari: "Well since you can speak both fluent English and Japanese, it should be easy for you, you'll probably pass without even trying!"

Ryutaro: "Heh, thanks, Hikari..."

Hikari: "Besides, we all need a good education, especially after all the nonsense we've been through."

Kuromu: "Oh yeah, Hikari... you got possessed by a yandere!"

Hikari: "Shut up! Jinguji just caught me off guard..."

Kuromu: "Uh huh, suuure..."

Eriko: "Alright kids it's time to walk to school!"

Hikari: "We're coming, mom!"

Ryutaro, Hikari, and Kuromu all left Ohtori Smoothies and began walking to the high school. It was a relatively time consuming walk, but in the end they did it every week, so it didn't bother them.

Kuromu: "So Ryutaro, are you nervous?"

Ryutaro: "N-Nervous?! Why would I be nervous?"

Hikari: "Knock it off Kuromu, everyone has their first days at a new school, just let him relax."

Kuromu: "I'm not doing anything bad, I'm just... y'know..."

Hikari: "Uh huh..."

Ryutaro: "Well, I'm not nervous, I am excited to go to school with you guys and hopefully meet new people."

Kuromu: "Don't get your hopes too high up, not a lot of classmates are very nice..."

Ryutaro: "Oh... I should've guessed..."

Hikari: "Don't worry Ryutaro, everything will be fine, I promise!"

Ryutaro: "Alright, Hikari."

The three soon arrived at Wada High School, looking at the building before entering it. In the halls, there were students standing around and talking. Ryutaro had gotten his schedule and locker number the day before, so he looked around for his locker.

Ryutaro: "Alright, my locker is... uhhh..."

Hikari: "Don't worry Ryutaro, we'll help you find your way around here."

As they walked around to find Ryutaro's locker, they accidentally bumped into one of the students there. She looked to be a cheerleader, and she scoffed at the presence of Kuromu and Hikari.

Nogiwa: "Agh! Watch where you're going, pricks."

Hikari: "Hey watch your mouth!"

Kuromu: "Yeah, what your mouth!"

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