Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 24 - Absolute Zero

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Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 24 - Absolute Zero

A day later, after Reo was captured, he was sitting there in a cell with Hikari. Tenku was at the front of the cell, holding Regulus's capsule, chuckling as he looked at the two.

Tenku: "This is surprising, looks like your brother caught him without any effort at all. And to think that he could really be a challenge."

Hikari: "Even though I despise Reo, he doesn't deserve this!"

Reo: "Agh... what the... Hikari? Where... where are we?"

Tenku: "Welcome to your new home in your final few days, Shishido Reo."

Reo: "What the... new home!? What is this, Hikari!? Last thing I remember was seeing Kuromu..."

As if Reo spoke of the devil, Kuromu entered the cell room with Jinguji by his side. Hikari looked on at her now evil brother with utter horror, and then she angrily looked at Jinguji.

Hikari: "You bastard! You're gonna pay for what you did to my brother!"

Kuromu: "You may consider me a brother, but I don't consider you a sister. Just face it Hikari, we are no longer siblings, I don't like to identify with the weak."

Jinguji: "Very good, my son."

Hikari: "Son...?"

Reo: "The hell does he mean?"

Jinguji: "Kuromu is my son... just as Ikkou was Ryusei's son. I gave him power and he gladly uses it to take down his enemies. Them being you of course... all that is left is Ryutaro and Balta."

Reo: "Grrr... wait, they're after Balta as well?" He thought.

Hikari: "They're not gonna go down easily!"

Jinguji: "We'll just see about that..."

The entire room suddenly began to shake, and a massive burst of black energy came breaking through the wall of the prison. He was Zero, now fully ready to take on Ryutaro. A faint black aura of death appeared over him, which then sooned faded away.

Zero: "Jinguji..."

Jinguji: "Zero... I see you are finally ready. Now go hunt down Sumeragi Ryutaro. Meanwhile Kuromu, you can hunt down Shiroyama Balta."

Kuromu: "Understood."

Hikari: "Who... who is the silver-haired kid?"

Jinguji: "He is... the one true king..."

While Atsushi had to deal with his own things, Ryutaro and Balta were left as the only ones finding the others. They arrived at a park, looking around as usual for anything noteworthy.

Ryutaro: "Huh, so if Atsushi is busy, what do you think happened with Reo?"

Balta: "I... I don't know, I really don't."

Ryutaro: "Balta... are you feeling alright?"

Balta: "Yeah, it's just I feel bad about how aggressive I acted towards you and the Ohtori family."

Ryutaro: "You don't need to apologize, it's alright, we all have our rough beginnings..."

Balta: "Maybe after this is over we can all hangout as good friends... you seem relatively cool to be around."

Ryutaro: "Heh, thanks... y'know besides Kuromu, Hikari, and you... I didn't really have many friends before I arrived here in Tokyo."

Balta: "Wait, really?"

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