Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 22 - Devoured by Darkness

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Gaibotsu Games: Ascension Chapter 22 - Devoured by Darkness

Kuromu was inside of a dark room, still unconscious from his battle with Jinguji. There were no windows, no seats, or anything in the room besides him. He then opened his eyes, looking around and trying to figure out where the hell he was.

Kuromu: "What the... where am I?!" He asked in confusion.

Kuromu then heard some evil laughter coming out from behind the walls. Suddenly a door opened up, and three people stepped into the room. Those three people were Zero, Jinguji, and Tenku.

Kuromu: "The Akujin!"

Tenku: "Jinguji, I don't understand why you want this brat to be here, he's nothing but an annoyance."

Jinguji: "Don't worry Tenku, even some garbage can have value."

Kuromu: "Garbage? Oh now you're gonna pay... Tenku, Jinguji, and... who are you?" He asked, looking at Zero.

Zero: "..."

Jinguji: "This is Shibuhara Zero, the Akujin's leader and the one who shall create a new era in the Gaibotsu world. He will become... the one true king!"

Kuromu: "King? Wow, you must not know what a king is if you think that guy is gonna become ruler. Look at him, that stupid silver hair and especially that ponytail, he looks like a girl!" He said, mocking Zero's new hairstyle.

Zero: "Grr..." He growled quietly.

Tenku: "Watch what you say jackass!" He yelled.

Right after Tenku said that, he proceeded to punch Kuromu right in the face, sending the boy to the ground. Tenku was pretty pissed off, and doesn't like it when someone insults his best friend.

Tenku: "Didn't your daddy ever teach you respect? Oh wait..."

Kuromu: "You're one to talk about respect for bringing that up! I'm gonna-- wait... where's Shadewing?!"

Jinguji: "Oh, you mean this?" He said, taking out Shadewing's capsule.

Kuromu: "You bastard..."

Kuromu got up and tried to get Shadewing's capsule back, only to get knocked down by Tenku again. Jinguji told him to stop, much to his dismay. Zero just looked on with disgust, not caring at all.

Kuromu: "Hey silver hair, for a leader you're awfully quiet, going for that edgy quiet guy style? I can respect that!" He said mockingly.

Tenku: "I'm losing my patience here, Jinguji!"

Zero: "Jinguji..."

Jinguji: "Yes, Zero?"

Zero: "Do whatever the hell you need to do, and get it done fast." He finally said as he walked out of the room.

Tenku: "Hmph, I guess I'll leave you to your work." Tenku said, leaving the room.

Kuromu: "Give... back... Shadewing's... capsule!"

Jinguji: "Of course... not before I do this!"

Jinguji took out his mulberrite dagger and struck Shadewing's capsule with it. However, he didn't pull it out, and put it deeper in. Soon enough, the entire blade was broken off and absorbed into the capsule. A massive shockwave of darkness came through, and hit Kuromu.

Kuromu: "Agh... what... what the hell did you do?!"

Jinguji: "I just increased... the power of your darkness!"

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