Chapter 9 : Saviour II

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A figure loomed over the deserted path around the town at dead of the night. The place sat engulfed in a gloomy darkness with not even a single lamp sedentary on the doors of the tiny homes, burning.

The figure was that of a man whose pale skin shone brightly against the royal velvet clinging onto his body. His raven black hair that fell till his nape, flew past him without any signs of the wind. Blood dripping down his long, slender hands articulated about the impending doom.

The silence that had befallen this once bustling town, was suddenly revoken by the Cries. The pain striken shrieks pierced through the eldritch atmosphere.

Bringing his blood drenched finger close to his lips, he slurped it clean,

"Ah! The taste of fear is absolutely immaculate" he said relishing with his eyes closed.

The houses situated in this swarming ancient town of the sorcerers, now perched with gruesome silence. Not even a speck of light could be caught slipping through the slight gaps inbetween their tightly shut blinds. Every lantern had been extinguished. The residents hid in their houses, trying not to give away the very fact of their existence. The town subterfuged into a cemetery.

A young woman, who had been hiding within the warmth of her home, attempted to peer through the tiny slit in the curtains that hung over the ancient glass window.

"Are you trying to get us killed!" Her mother whispered gazing at her with fear stricken eyes as she yanked her off.

"No mother, i just wanted to see the creature that is the cause of such immense pain to all of us" replied the woman with absolute wrath glistening in her eyes.

emphasized her mother with fingers pressed against her chapped lips. Her face was thronged in perspiration.

Ignoring her mother's constant pleas, the woman peeked through the slit.

She was astonished to find a tall and sturdy man. She had expected the fiend to be clad in talons and death. She wanted it to be some kind of a beast but instead it looked like an almost average human........almost.

Her eyes fell upon the viscous red dripping from his hands. Her chest instantaneously felt heavy when she saw him place his index finger into his mouth.

He turned around, as if sensing her eyes, freezing her to her very essence. The sight that was unfolding before her, brought back bile to her throat. The man stood over an immense pile of bodies stacked upon one another. The bodies were severely disfigured; some dead and some on the verge of it, begging and crying for death to strip them off their pain as their body had already began the annihilate.

As realisation dawned upon her, she found these to be the bodies of the people who went missing from her town, those people who had the grit to resent and chose to oppose 'him'.

The man turned around and flashed a wide grin at her. Her eyes widened as the blood in her veins congealed. She could no longer stay still as the weight on her chest increased a thousand folds and made it impossible for her to breathe. The madness that lurked behind those gruesome eyes were evidence of the forecoming distruction.

"Hic statim finis"

he broke into a sinister smile. A spark appeared out of nowhere and lit up the surroundings.

The insanity, that she saw in those amethyst eyes, hitched her breath. She felt a chill run down her spine as she sat rooted in her seat. She knew she had to do something, anything to save her town. As she turned towards her mother who now sat with tears in her eyes.

"Mother!! we need to do some-" before she could complete, her mother interjected,

"This is a honourable death, sweetheart" she said as she patted her daughter's lovely red hairs.

"but we are sorcerers, the strongest of them all!"

"no amount of white magic can stop the darkness that the monster has unleashed upon this kingdom......this land" her mother spoke with a grave look, anger spilling through every word.

"haec est finis"

"This is the end"

The man stood, expecting those sheltered in their homes, to come out crawling, from their hide outs. He saw the fire rapidly eat away the houses with content lining those amethyst eyes of his.

"Won't you Come out to pay respect to your highness" he spoke with a direful tone as he pranced around with a sickening smile stuck onto his lips.

Satisfaction marred his face as he saw the place fall into an utter turmoul. Cries erupted from almost every part of this unfortunate town but none of them chose to come out. They gladly decided to roast in the fire rather than come out and face the savage outside. They chose to writher away painfully than to reminisce the horrors. This living incarnation of the devil would never grant them an easy death.

He broke out into a meniacal laughter of merriment, his voice a defiance against all the poor souls which resided here.

"Death is too simple of a punishment for disobeying my words, don't you think" he crocked his neck looking directly into the eyes of the young woman, who felt her thummering heart stop.

His menacing laughter increased as the fire carved itself around this town. The helpless cries of all the sorcerers, one of the most powerful creatures to ever exist, felt like  music to his ears.

Azariel sprung his eyes open, covered entirely in a cold sweat. He had fallen asleep over a book he was had been reading. His brow furrowed at the recollection of the horrid memory.

"This land has suffered a lot, The past must never repeat itself" he mumbled while rubbing his knitted brows together.

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