Chapter: 10 Her II

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"Whatever happens, donot wander into the deeper parts of the forest, this place is infested with things that even the people of this world fear, It is called The Dark Abyss for a reason"
Ivor's warning was ringing through his ears.
Arien could fell his heart pounding.

"Fuck! I should have stuck around Ivor " he cursed his luck under his breath.

"It seems trouble always has a way to find my ass" he spat.

Just as he turned around, he saw a couple of glistening lights shining right at him. It was almost a meter behind, hidden in the thick canopy of trees.  His heart sat thudding at an abnormal rate, it was a miracle that it had not managed to leap out onto the lush green forest floor.

This scene seemed vaguely familiar. He suddenly felt flashes of memories rush through him. Memories of him running through a similar thicket, as a child. He wasn't alone, someone ran alongside him. He could remember hearing.....windchimes.

Sweat drenched his forehead as he ran, clinging onto his dear life. As the memories dashed through his head, he almost felt an electricity gushing through him.

As adrenaline began pumping through his body, he was quick to realise what those glowing orbicular objects were. They were a pair of eyes. Shining golden piercing orbs that looked predisposed to attack adorning an ancient predatorial look. One look and it was enough to convey that dying by staking oneself would be the easiest way to end rather than being caught by the possessor of those golden arcs of fire.

Panicking, he trampled over the bundle of herbs that he had spent an entire evening collecting with great pleasure. Getting up he realized he had multiple gashes but having his body in its proper anatomy took the greater priority. As he ran, he could  feel the wind gush by him with a faint noise. Flapping of wings, he easily recognised the sound. But something felt wrong. He turned around to be caught by those golden orbs.

"Oh lords" his eyes widened.

The creature felt all wrong. It had the face of an owl but the body of that of the ryū, the Japanese dragon which owned a body similar to that of a sepent, using which it could glide across the sky. Its wings were massive, layered with feathers of the colour of the clouds. The long arachidonic legs armoured with claws added to a spine-chilling sight.

Any sane person would have lost their mind because it was a sight that could unentangle the creepiest of the nightmares. The creature felt like it had been assembled by the remains of several animals yet they appeared to be in perfect synchrony. Nothing had ever felt so worng that appeared so right. The sight was grostesque. He wanted to wake up from this horrid nightmare, screaming for help but he couldn't.

As he ran he could hear the flapping of wings behind him, this time it was way nearer. With each flap, came a gustle of wind which shook the trees as if they were caught amidst a ragging storm.

The forest that had seemed alluring during the day looked unnerving at night.
He swung his head behind to see this enormous creature heading straight at him. Its white feathers, a stark contrast to the murking darkness.

Tripping over the roots of a giant tree that laid twirled on the ground, he landed straight on his back.

"Holy mother of lords!" he screeched.

Arien could not move his body as he found himself captive under the leer of this unearthly beast. It lunged towards him with its claws drawn.

"So this is it" he whispered as he saw the dagger like claws reach his jugular.

He had faced thousands of difficulties growing up. He had seen his dear mother lose her life, bleeding to her death. His mother, who hadn't even hurt a fly in her life, suffered such immense pain to save him.

People around him always seemed to be under the radar of trouble. Strange creatures and events always enwreathed him. He never knew why but he was somehow the epicenter of all of it. He had seen people fight to safeguard him. Fight for him without hesitation.... yet now when he sat awaiting at the claws of death, the only thing he felt was loneliness. The heart that had been searching for someone whome he hadn't seen in years yearned for that soothing presence...feathery touch... breathtaking smile.

Arien waited for the piercing pain to hit his body but it never came. As he raised his head, he found the creature stop in mid tracks. The monstrous creature backed off, slowly as its glowing golden orbs sat transfixed on something or rather someone. He noticed a shadowy outline against the stark blackness of the night standing before him, like a barrier against his body with theirs.

As his gaze lifted back to the creature, he found it bending its entire body. It ignored him as if he had ceased existing. A bow of its head to the shadowy figure spoke about the acknowledgement and respect that even a ferral beast like it had choosen to offer to the figurine.

He found the figurine lower their hood inorder to meet his widened eyes.
He was greeted by something which he had been searching for the past eighteen years of his life with unwavering faith.

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