Chapter 7: Mistakes I

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A hideous creature stood before him with a sinister grin. It was tall and clad in a whirlpool of black. Its olive green skin sat clinging on to the malformed muscles which seemed to have been moulded into a wrong skeletal framework. A disgustingly long disfigured nose paired with ugly protruding cheeks and a pointed hat all added to its grotesque appearance. A malicious smile spread across its face. Arien could see its blackened teeth to which he almost threw up.

" What a tasty little human" came out a garbled voice.

Arien took a step back which gave way to another sinister grin onto something that vaguely resembled a face.

"ya think ya can get away?" it questioned tilting its head with no sign of intelligence.

As his grip on reality returned, Arien immediately threw the rocks that he had been picking up on his way and dashed in the opposite direction. His tiny feet refused to part him with the needed speed. As he turned around, he saw the dainty looking creature running towards him with an immaculate speed. It seemed like it was gliding across the ground rather than using its legs.

He lunged himself into the nearby over grown shrubs that sat outlining the obsidian lake. Crawling into the deeper growth he sat there quietly, bringing his knees close to his chest. His breathing had intensified from both the fright and the flight. He tried to quieten his breathes by placing his tiny palms over his face.

"Where are ya, my delicious pie? Don't make me wait, cutie" sang the creature with its gut renching voice as it contiued its forage.

The moonless night seemed to offer an advantage to Arien, but it also made it difficult for him to observe his surroundings. He did not dare move from his spot. As he peeked, he found the creature jumping and swaying around. Its movements reminded him of those drunkards back home whom he had seen fall face flat onto the sidewalk.

"yoohoo come out now... ya do not want me angry" came out its bloodcurdling screech.

He felt its bony arms reach near him. Arien knew he was bound to be eaten today. This creature remained him of those nightly things from his mother's bed time Stories. Just as he sat there, waiting for his impending doom just like he had heard from his mother, he suddenly heard a commotion. He could hear weird curses that was seemly erupting through his stalker.

All of a sudden, silence befell upon his surroundings. Fidgeting between curiosity or staying hidden, he chose peek his head  from the overgrown bushes. As he did he was astonished to find Maria, standing next to the fallen creature. Her hand held a dagger which was soaked in a dark viscous fluid. Her eyes....looked different, she looked different. Her demeanor had changed; From a clueless new maid to a warrior in the Warfield.

"Are you alright, young master?" she asked him with concern lining her pristine features.

" I apologise for leaving you, young master" she replied with her head hung. She looked disappointed.

Arien immediately ran towards her.
Holding him up in her arms, her lost spirit suddenly seemed to light up as she laid her eyes on his bright green orbs which was radiating its own glow.

  She gave him a reassuring smile said,
"Let's leave this place before it gets fuzzy"

Just then, they heard swooshing of the wind around them. As they followed the direction of the wind, they were greeted by a troop of these horrid creatures on their broomsticks. They were cackling and screeching. A chill ran down his back as he looked infront of him. It looked like a scene from his most horrible nightmares.

"Correction, It has already gone fuzzy" she sighed out aloud. It had indeed turned out to into a dangerous situation.


"Is the work done?"
Echoed a deep voice from the room engulfed in utter darkness.

"Yes master, it is done" bowed a thin built man.

"Very well then, take him"

The man's eyes shot up in fear as the heavily armed guards approached him.

"....but had promised...." He screamed with utter shock as the guards proceeded to carry him out of the raven dark room.

" No witnesses shall be spared" spoke the voice indicative of the impending doom.

A sneer formed on his face
"He will be pleased"

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