Chapter 2 : The Queen II

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      Seated at the head of the long white table, Elixir picked up a piece of pear that had been already sliced. With an catatonic expression, she put it in her mouth.

" Ah!! Ellie" squealed a sweet voice.

Entering in to the room was a beautiful turquoise eyed woman. Her intricately styled blond hair fell upon her soft shoulders.

The overflowing silky gown matched her gentle eyes. She lovingly put her arms around the Lady of the house and kissed the air near her cheek.

For someone who knew the queen,this sight would have been a bolt out of the blue. The maids and the workers of the castle were used to such scenes which helped them in maintaining a straight face, hence saving them their necks.

Elixir gave her a benevolent smile.

Taking a seat next to her,she asked,

"How did the surveying go?".

"Pretty much the usual" replied elixir with a slight nod acknowledging Cleo,
who bowed his head before taking a seat on the table.

" You should start courting ,Elli.How long do you plan to stay alone?" spoke the woman while shaking her head in disdain.

A smile made its way onto Cleo's austere face as if enjoying an internal joke. The woman looked at him puzzled.

"The Men you are referring to, are absolute futiles Maeve"
answered Elixir non chalantly.

"Those bunch of nitwits dream of ruling this land. It would not take even a day for them to be burnt in front of the temple" she  continued while nibbling a piece of fruit from her plate.

" you and your shenanigans" Sighed Maeve

"Well some are more than just a pretty face Elli" she winked for Elixir to roll her eyes.

"Do you want me to set you up with some really good looking ones?"

"Do you want them to loose their precious heads, Maeve?" Elixir rejoined tilting her head with a smile that was a visible mockery.

Ida tried to conceal the smile which threatened to break through while she stood serving the queen of Vampyra.

"you are an absolute kill joy dear sister, What say Cleo?" Maeve pouted.

Hearing his name amidst the ongoing sibling's scuffle, Cleo almost choked on his drink. Trying to suppress his bout of cough, he looked at Maeve, who sat grinning with her jolting between him Elixir, as it sat resting on her hands bridged together.

"Keep trying and some day you might succeed..." replied Elixir.

As Maeve was about to dance with excitement,

".... in ending the lives of all of those eligible bachelors. Now, the young ladies of Vampyra wouldn't be happy about that,will they?" asked Elixir,
tilting her head.

Both Ida and Cleo could not stop the smile that had made is way on to their lips because they knew Vampyra did not need a king, not unless the queen herself wanted one.

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