Chapter 8 : Lost I

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Arien found himself seated on a large black bed. It felt too soft and immensely comfortable. He had refused to let go of Elixir when Idabel had tried to recieve him. He had ended up falling asleep in her arms. Elixir had brought him up to her room. It was a stunning room which was decorated intricately. She sat before him on her wooden table, working on some documents.

As she felt his eyes on her, she looked up. she stood from the table and walked towards him. Setting herself at the corner of the bed,

"Are you feeling fine?" she asked with a worried look in her eyes.

" I am fine" replied the boy.

Staring back at those bewitching sapphire eyes, he then spoke,

"Once i grow up, i want to become stronger than you....."

"....So that you can defeat me" she added playfully.

" that i can protect you"
She wanted to laugh at this remark but the determination in his eyes did not allow her. She caressed his head gently

"I would love to meet you then" she smiled with eyes filled with nothing but pure affection and a hint of sadness.

Arien woke up in a cold sweat. He had seen the same dream again, he had seen her again. Everytime he sees her in his dreams, it feels as if a part of him has been snatched away.

Tears began dribbling down his face.... it hurt like hell, staying away from her. 18 years had passed since that unfortunate incident; Since he had meet her.

When he woke up the next morning after falling asleep in that magnificent room, in her arms, he had found himself back at his tiny apartment. He had run around his entire neighborhood bewildered, trying to find his way back.

As he had returned back to his home, broken hearted, he found his neighbours looking at him with sympathy.

"Its okey, my dear boy, you will not end up alone in this world " his neighbour had said with a tiny smile on her face.
They thought the the gibberish that he spoke were the aftermath of his mother's tragic death.

Sighing, he placed his right arm covering his green eyes.

"Vampyra" he whispered through his lips.

Shoving the covers past him, he walked towards the window. He pulled the curtains aside to allow the rays of the sun into his dark room. A faint smile formed on his lips as he felt the rays warm up his body.

Walking into the kitchen, he poured himself a cup of cereals . Not a single day had passed without him thinking about her.

Everybody who had ever heard of his strange encounter either looked at him with sympathy or as if he had lost his sanity.
Nobody had ever believed him. He himself at times had pondered about it....but it felt too vivid to be a dream.

Her eyes, her embrace, her touch.....all felt too real to ever be termed as a vague dream. He had plunged himself into books that spoke about the lost cities, folklores about various kinds of creatures, myths, ancient rituals, lost cities and what not. But he could never find anything about 'Vampyra'. There was nothing that could stand as a testament about the existence of the world he had been to.

After preparing himself for his day, he went out.

"Morning Mrs smith" he greeted his neighbour who had come out to collect the bottle of milk.

"Ah! good morning dear Arien, You look lovely, as usual" she smiled.

Arien gave her a boyish smile  ruffling the back of his head as he got on his cycle. Waving her a goodbye, he headed towards his destination. It was the end of the week which meant extra income from his part time job.

Mr and Mrs Smith had  been kind and helped him a lot,as he was very young when he had lost his mother. He hated relying on others. He tried his best not toburden them.

Stopping infront of a cafe he got off. Placing his cycle against the railing he went in.

"Hey Arien" beamed a middle aged woman with a stout stature and oval face.

"Hello, Miss karen" greeted Arien as he was passing by her to get into the staff's area.

"Wassup dude" grinned Shane when he saw Arien enter into the cafe.

"Our boss is early today, i wonder why" he spoke pretending to think really hard.

"Dont over work that pea sized brain of your, its gonna burst out someday" rebuked Arien as he started preparing the counter.

"You look striking Arien, Good luck" the lady spoke trying to pout her lips in order to emphasize it.

Arien had grown into a strikingly handsome man. His eyes, his well defined pristine features....all looked too perfect...too good to be human. He looked inhumanely beautiful. At times he really felt as a misfit among the other people. It felt as if he didnot belong here.

"Thanks ma'am" retored Shane with a smile on his face. Karen left the store glaring daggers at Shane.

"ew! gross ... that woman is a pedophile" complained Shane narrowing his brown eyes.

Arien broke out into a laughter.
"So, you a kid?"

"At heart , bruh" replied Shane pucking his lips.

A pair of teenage girls entered into the cafe. They stood infront of the counter oogling the man before them.

" Hello ladies, what would you like to have?" asked Shane with a
his hand running through his hairs , ruffling his curls at an failed attempt at charming.

" Him- I mean caramel macchiato" she corrected herself as her friend nudged her.

"Aren't they cute?" Asked Shane as Arien was busy preparing the order.

"I'm not interested"

"the f*uk Bro, you seriously need to start dating or else atleast set them up with me. Everytime someone asks you out, you straight off refuse them" he scowled.

"I told you i am trying to find someone" he replied with his features solemn.

"you and your strange kink for blue eyes" chipped Shane.


"Yo sorry man!" Shane grimaced looking at Arien's bleeding thumb.

"why the hell are you carrying a freaking knife around?" asked Arien as he placed his bleeding thumb into his mouth.

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