Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Hey guys. You don't know how incredibly sorry I am for such a late update and I know I say this like all the time but I feel horrible for taking so long to update this time. I've been trying to keep my grades up (Not to brag but I have 5 A's and 2 B's) *cough cough* Anyways. I'M PLANNING ON A SEQUEL!!!!!!! So stay tuned for that. Follow me for news on that and read my other books. Thanks so much for reading and sorry if I disappointed you guys.


"How about this one?" Riley pulls back the curtains and walks out in a short wedding dress. It's like the 800th dress she's tried on today. I nod my head slightly and motion with my hand for her to turn around.

It's a gorgeous white dress with embroidered flowers all over. The dress stops right above her knees and Riley put a small lace bow in her hair.

"Stunning, darling. Absolutely stunning!" The dress lady says. She's been helping Riley pick out a dress, but she's been getting on my nerves lately because if Riley loved a dress, it was a inch off the perfect length apparently. But for once, I agreed with the clerk.

"Great. I'm going to get it then!" Riley giggles and goes back into the dressing room. She flips her red hair and her green eyes sparkle as she shuts the curtains.

"Hey, Riley?" I shout to her in the dressing room. The clerk looks at me disapprovingly but I gladly ignore her.


"I gotta get a black dress for Nia's funeral. Her family is still organizing it, but it should be in about a month." I say.

"Okay." She replies.


"Look at our dresses!" Riley shouts as soon as we reach the house. She throws her arms around Will's neck and they kiss.

"Have you told her yet?" Will asks.
Riley shakes her head no and then Will motions for us to go inside.

I throw my funeral dress over on a chair and sit on the couch opposite of my brother and his fiancée.

"Well Mads." Will starts.

"One. Your mom moved out. Uh, Will kinda kicked her out because she sold most of your stuff when you didn't come home." Riley says. I look shocked and clench my hands into fists. What a-

"And two." Will starts again, letting Riley finish.

"I'm pregnant!" Riley shouts and Will smiles, slipping his hand around her waist. He gently touches her stomach.

I smile and tear up. I'm so happy for them!

Riley reaches for my hand and I gladly grasp it. I let the years fall. All my emotions over the past few years of me being in the military goes into this moment.

The anger, the loss, sorrow, happiness, etc. I've had to endure all washes away in my tears.

I accept Nia and Dad's death, Chris' decisions, and everything else. I look at Will and Riley happily sitting on the couch. They announced their marriage and pregnancy on the same day and it's just to much to handle. My silent tears turn into loud sobs.

"What's wrong?" They both ask.

I look at them and smile.

"I love this life."


I'm so tempted to end the book right here and right now, but I can't bring myself to do it so I'm adding one more chapter (the wedding and the funeral) and then ill announce the sequel and this book will come to it's end. But not yet. Thank you all so much for reading. Happy incredibly late New Years and valentines day and God Bless.


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