Hey. I finally kept my promise and here's the chapter. And I have to brag, I'm typing this on MY LAPTOP. Yeah, my brother came home and he got me his laptop and it's a gaming laptop which is awesome. So I'm typing this on here so I'm like excited. Anyways, here's the chapter!
I can't believe it. Sunshine! My skin soaks up the light and warmth. I fall onto my knees and start to roll around in the sand, not caring if there's snakes or not.
A man starts to walk towards me and I get up off of the ground. He extends his hand and I gladly shake it.
"Sergeant Major Carrera."
Carrera raises his eyebrows as if he's waiting for me to say something, but I ignore it. I begin to walk away and he gently grabs my arm.
"We have some helicopters and more coming, would you like to go home?" He asks. I turn around and look at him dead in the eye.
"Where else would I rather be?"
"Maddie!" Will rushes forward and gives me a bone crushing hug.
"Hi." I awkwardly pat his head because his arms around me so tight all I can reach is his head. Will pulls away and smiles at me before hugging me again.
"So. How was.....wherever you went?"
"Afghanistan," I say. "And I'm done with the military. Absolutely done! No way am I going back." I laugh and Will looks at me confused.
"Okay?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Maddie!" Someone rushes out the door and I sigh. I don't even open my arms. That someone rushes into me and wraps their arms around me.
Suddenly, I take in the smell of peppermint and I see a blue Jeep parked out in the driveway.
"Riley!" I laugh and hug her back. "So you guys are still together?" I ask Will. He nods his head. I start humming 'Here Comes The Bride' and wink at Will. He rolls his eyes and Riley blushes.
{If you don't believe me about Riley, check Chapter 10}
"Well, actually." Riley holds out her hand and I see a giant diamond on top of a silver ring.
"OH MY GAWD!" I scream and jump up and down. Me and Riley hug each other tightly and then I run over and hug Will.
"We were gonna wait for you to come back and here you are. So the wedding is on!" Riley laughs and walks over to Will. He puts his arm lovingly around Riley's waist and then kisses the top of her head.
"Come on. I was also going to wait for you to get back before we went and got wedding dresses. I need another woman to do it with, and your mom.....well we know how that's gonna go. Does that woman have feelings?" Riley whispers the last part into my ear. I laugh.
"What?" Will asks.
"Nothing, honey. Be back in a few." Riley kisses Will and drags me away to her Jeep.
I look back at Will and mouth 'hours'. He laughs and walks back into the house shaking his head.
"So how was being deployed?" Riley asks. I look at her calmly, but my eyes start to tear up.
"My best friend was killed by Chris and I got imprisoned by the Taliban." I say. I look back forward. The car swerves, but Riley steers us back onto to road.
"Oh my god." She whispers. She reaches for my hand and squeezes. "I'm so sorry. I remember WIll telling me about........Nia? And how she.......passed. He told me he imagined her as you and he was pretty upset about it. She also tried to save you."
I nod my head. "Yeah." I remember Nia thinking Will loved her. And in a way, he did. If he imagined her as me, then he did love her. Because she was me.
Hope you guys liked it. Follow, vote and comment. If your gonna criticize my book, at least say something good. Yup! Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays). Whatever. Hope life is going good. PM me. Bye!!!!!!

Military Girl
RandomMaddie enlists in the army. What has she got to lose? Her brothers best friend beats her up, her mom doesn't care about what she does, her dad is recorded as MIA, and her brother is planning to get married. Why not join the military? Why not prove t...