Hey guys! I thought I'd start dedicating chapters to people because I can. Hopefully you all know that this entire book is dedicated to my brother. =) <3 but this chapter is dedicated to @the_military_geek for being an amazing writer and person. Hope you all enjoy the chapter and sorry for the long wait
I need the truth, and I need it now.
"You're supposed to be dead?" I say, it comes out more like a question. My dad nods.
"Aye, that's true." He has an accent I can't quite place. Like, it has a hint of British. Or maybe it's Minnesotan. Lord, I need to get out more! Or maybe it's Irish.?
"But you aren't." Captain Jones thankfully interrupts. Honestly, I have no clue what to say, or how to say it for that matter.
"Why aren't you?" I cross my legs and plop myself down by my dad. He sits up and rubs his dusty hands off on his pant-legs.
"Well, it's a long story."
"We have time." Captain Jones joins me on the sand and so do the others. We circle my dad. It's like story time. The kids will all hover around the reader telling the story. Here we are, young adults to adults all huddled around for story time. Pathetic, right?
"So I was in the middle of combat with the Taliban, and I got shot in me shoulder," My dad pulls off the sleeve on his left shoulder and shows us a red ugly scar. He slides the sleeve back up. I move my eyes from my dad's shoulder to his face. His hair is a dark brown and his eyes are blue, like mine. I give a small smile. At least I know where I got my eye color from.
"My troop thought I was dead and left me. We were greatly outnumbered and I couldn't blame them. I don't know why we were sent out here anyways. Probably to keep the terrorists and people in line. Anyways, so I was laying on the ground, accepting the fact that I was about to die. But then, the Taliban came. They knew I was alive, but barely. They picked me up and took me to the village where they healed me. And then they wanted answers. I didn't understand their language which mainly consisted of Pashto and Dari. So we used gestures. I wasn't much use to them so they sold me as like a slave. Ya know, labor and such. I'm so sorry I couldn't be your father, Maddie, I was busy fighting for me life." My dad looks at me. I just stare at him blankly. I know I should be relieved he's alive and everything, but I can't help think that he talks like a pirate. Maybe a Viking? No, no. Definitely Minnesotan.
"I was told you were shot in combat." I whisper.
"Just because it says I'm shot in combat, doesn't mean I'm dead." My dad replies. I give a small smile.
"I have this bad feeling, like someone is watching us. Can we go now, please?" Captain Jones asks. I nod my head and start to stand up, but quickly duck when I hear a bullet whiz past my head. I fall into a push up position. Another bullet whizzes by and I hear both bullets hit their targets. One, in my dad's leg and the other, in Captain Jones.
I love this chapter! Especially because I got to mess around with her dad's accent. I was sitting in my living room talking to myself in different accents and my parents kept giving me strange looks. =) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Vote, comment, follow, meesage me, you guys know the drill. Uhhhh, let's not forget my insta is ashley_passion06 and stuff. Message me or something if you want a chapter dedicated in your honor but 99% of you won't do it. ;) Has anyone seen the Divergent movie? How 'bout the Captain America: Winter Soldier, OMG Chris Evans is sexy!!!!! Okay, love you all. BYE!

Military Girl
RandomMaddie enlists in the army. What has she got to lose? Her brothers best friend beats her up, her mom doesn't care about what she does, her dad is recorded as MIA, and her brother is planning to get married. Why not join the military? Why not prove t...