I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've had a long week and the computer just got fixed. So at school, I was told that my book was boring, and you know who you are so if you think my book is boring, don't read it. Problem solved. Also, someone *cough cough "Alex* says my chapters are a little too short so im gonna try and fix that too (I took no offense to that bit). I'm just gonna wing it for this chapter soooo......tah-dah! And sorry again for not posting in awhile, I've been having a really hard time at school with my grades and so I have to try and hide my D's and C's from my tests from my parents. Ha ha ha....crap. Ok here goes
I can't see anymore. The world is spinning too much and I'm being dragged across the floor due to the lack of oxygen given to me. I'm thrown on a chair.
"Why do you want me here?" I spit out. I try and fixate on an object in the room so the world will slow down but it does little help.
"That way Will has to come back to rescue the helpless Military Girl. That way I can finish him off." Chris says. He kneels down beside me and starts tying rope around my ankles and wrists.
"God Chris. I have a name, seeing that I'm your god da-" I start but Chris interrupts me.
"You sure haven't changed a bit. When I left the house you were still swearing like a sailor. But your in the Army soo..." Chris laughs like he made the worlds best joke.
"Lunatic." I mutter underneath my breath.
"What was that?" Chris stops laughing and stares at me.
"I said 'lunatic'. Gotta problem with it?!" I shout at him. He shrugs and then starts humming as he continues to tie the rope into a large knot.
He stands up and admires his pathetic knot work. I shift my hands and the rope falls to my sides. I turn my ankles and the rope splits. I stand up from the chair and smirk at Chris.
"Have you ever tried to climb a building with a rope in your criminal career? Because its pathetic." I cross my arms and snicker a laugh. Chris' smile fades and he tries lunging at me. I step aside. I try walking into the kitchen but Chris stands up and blocks my path. He smiles at someone behind me and as I try to turn around, big hands grasp my arms and pull them behind my back.
Chris walks towards me but I kick my feet up, nailing him in the face. I drop my legs and step onto the man's foot and dig it into his shoe. He steps his foot away from me but doesn't drop my arms. I try elbowing him in the stomach but he moves his body away. Elbowing has always worked for me in the alleys. The man throws me forward and I trip on my feet and end up with my face on the kitchen floor. I try standing up but as I do, something hard comes across my back. It knocks me back down on the floor with an excruciating pain in my lower back. I try stepping back up again but the object throws me back on the ground.
I flip over to see a chair and then everything turns into pain and blackness......
"Ahhh crap." I whine as I come out of my daze. My lower back feels like it's on fire. But then again, I don't think I'm imagining the fire. The room does look bright. But I cant see because my eyes are blurry and everything looks like a blob. A blurry blob. I blink and the room comes into focus a little more. I keep blinking and I probably look really stupid but no one has come since I've awaken.
The room focuses and I look at my whereabouts.
"Well this isn't good." I say to the burning room. My lower back does hurt but the heat of the fire has reached my chair. The flames leap out of the carpet and try lighting my clothes on fire. It seems like the whole house is on fire. I've been moved into the basement and everything is lit in flames. A chunk of flaming ceiling has fallen onto the stairs to reach the living room. I try standing up but the chair is against me and I fall onto my back by the flames.
I move my wrists and ankles to the fire. Chris obviously didn't tie these knots because they stay tied and dig into my skin. I bite my bottom lip as I try and stifle a few chosen curse words.
The flames light the ropes and as the ropes fall I scream out loud. The chair has lit on fire and my waist is tied to the back of the chair.
"Maddie?!" I hear a voice. I look up at the stairs. A figure stands there and rushes towards me. They have a knife in their hand and I tense my body up.
I see Nia's face and she cuts the rope holding me to the lit chair. I roll around on the ground trying to get my shirt de-flamed. I gasp a sigh of relief when the fire is out of my shirt and immediately regret it. I suck in an air-full of smoke and I try choking it out.
"Come on." Nia grunts as she lifts me up and throws me over her shoulder.
She tries to jump over the chunk of ceiling on the stairs but I flip over her shoulder. I nod my head for her to jump and she does. She leaps over it with ease and turns around to watch me. I take a running start and as I'm about to jump, another piece of ceiling falls and it lands on my leg. I shriek and fall on the ground. I scream and Nia sprints up the stairs. My eyes tear up.
This is it. I'm gonna die. In my own house burnt to bits my criminal brother. My best friend ran away and I never get to see Will again. I close my eyes as the pain in my leg reaches an un-bearable pain. I hear footsteps. I don't bother to look up. It's probably Chris making sure the job is done.
The weight on my leg is lifted and I finally admit that I'm not dead. I look up and a man in a yellow suit is pushing aside the chunk of ceiling. Nia is standing beside him. I grab her hand and pull myself up. I limp towards the stairs with her arm around my shoulder and the fire fighter close behind. My face is covered in black and I'm pretty sure I look like crap. We step into the living room and I reach for the door handle. The fire fighter is still close behind. Me and Nia push open the door and leave it open for him. The garage is open, with Will standing impatiently on the sidewalk. He turns to look at us and runs at us. I'm about to get to him when Nia pushes me forward into the garage. I groan as a sharp pain shoots up my leg as I land on my side on the concrete. I blink back tears.
I hear a heart-tearing scream and I look at the door. The ceiling has collapsed.
On the firefighter that helped me.
And Nia.

Military Girl
RandomMaddie enlists in the army. What has she got to lose? Her brothers best friend beats her up, her mom doesn't care about what she does, her dad is recorded as MIA, and her brother is planning to get married. Why not join the military? Why not prove t...