Chapter 37
I'm sorry for not updating in however long (I lost count) don't hate me. Yah-dah yah-dah yah-dah. I'm cutting the crap because you guys have heard it like a thousand times. Here's the chapter you guys have actually waited for: BY THE WAY: yes there is "adult content" in this chapter involving Nia's past and it gets rough. I apologize. But don't say I never warned you. (It'll all make sense if you read Nia's own story 'Home Surivor) okay time for me to shut up now:
I take a shaky, deep breath and look at the funeral crowd. Everyone is dressed in black - just like they should be - and I recognize Nia's sisters and mother. Her brother is nowhere to be found. Her step brother on the other hand is standing tall and proud next to Nia's mom. I glare at him.
After Nia's death I contacted her family and let them know what had happened. They were heartbroken but glad that she passed on heroically. I guess being a hero in that family was a great honor. Her father was a drunk and abused them and the oldest sister, Chrissa, joined the army. Her father tried to kill her the night she was leaving. That resulted in the fathers death when he fell over the stair balcony. I also learned that Nia was almost raped by her ex-boyfriend and fiancée, Jay, before her brother stepped in and saved her. The same brother that abandoned her and her sisters later on, but soon returned. I look across the people's faces and dive into my eulogy.
"I didn't know Nia for very long, but I know she was my best friend. I grew up lonely but from the moment I met her on the elevator, I know that we would have an adventure together. We completely ditched bootcamp just to save my brother. She always had that gleam in her eye that said 'I know something you don't' even if she didn't. Nia Parker was one of the bravest people I know. And she's my hero. She never once stopped giving to others no matter what was going on in hers and she sacrificed her own life so I could continue my own. God help everyone in Heaven with an angel like Nia around." A few people chuckle and I give another weak smile.
"And I don't want to be one of those people who BS their entire eulogy talking about how incredible the person was. And gladly, I'm not. Nia was truly an incredible human being and irreplaceable. Heaven has gained a new angel to wreak havoc. I love you, Nia. Thank you." Some tears slide down my cheeks and I wipe them away before stepping off the stage. I walk over to Nia's family and kiss them each on the cheek before I walk out of the building and begin to drive over to Riley and Will's wedding.------
"You may kiss the bride."
Will slowly leans forward and presses his lips against Riley's. They do a mini makeout session (which is awkward) and then lovingly look into each others eyes. I look across from me (being the Maid of Honor) to see Riley's brother (who's the Best Man). He's decked out in a blackish-grey suit with a black bow tie. His hair is spiked up and his thick, muscular arms tighten the sleeves. Although his name is Jeremy, he looks like a stunt double for Channing Tatum ((bear with me for my moment of fan girling guys)). He's buff and absolutely gorgeous. If Channing Tatum had a twin, it'd be Jeremy.
Riley and Will go in for another kiss and everyone cheers. I roll my eyes playfully and Jeremy smiles and winks at me. My cheeks flush and I look away. The now-bride-and-groom grab each other's hands and race down the aisle. People throw flowers and rice (and for some odd reason I see a few shoe laces flying through the air). My brother and sister-in-law rush out the church doors and everyone floods out after them, still cheering like a bunch of maniacs."See you in a bit, Maddison." Jeremy says and his deep voice carries straight through my bones. I smile and we walk away in opposite directions. Ohmygod. JEREMY actually WINKED at ME!
+30 minutes later+
"Hey, Maddie, can I talk to you for a second?" Riley leans across the table and reaches her hand towards me. She's changed into a ruby red knee high dress and red heels. Her hair is wrapped into a bun and she smiles at me. I raise an eyebrow quizzically and nod my head. We slide our chairs out from underneath the table and walk into a garden with a few fountains. They sure do know how to throw an after-party.
Riley grips my hands tightly and drags me to a fountain shooting out water in random arrays. "So my brother, Jeremy, has been single for quite awhile. He broke up with his girlfriend 3 years ago because she was cheating on him. With her training instructor. Anyways. That's not the point. I see the way he looks at you and that's the way he looked at his last girlfriend. Maddie, he LIKES you! You NEED to talk to him. He's joining the Marines just so you know. I know it would be hard to have a long distance relationship but I think you would be the one to understand that the most. Please, just think about it?" And Riley stands up and sashays away before I can comprehend much of what she says. Jeremy. Single. Me + Him. Marines. He likes me. Hoooooly crap!
"Can I sit here?" Somebody asks and I look up to find Jeremy himself standing right in front of me.
"Uhm yeah sure." Wow, I'm stupid. I could've sounded cooler. Like Antarctica cool. Jeremy sits down next to me and I can feel the warmth radiating off his body. He slides a bit closer towards me and I - unconsciously - do the same. Our legs touch and he looks down to smile at me. (He literally looks down at me because he's like 6' 2" and I'm 5' 5".) He gently tucks a hand underneath my thighs and swings them over on top of his legs.
((Sorry in my mind this is romantic but it might just turn plain weird to you guys. Just imagine two people in love at midnight in front of an awesome water fountain shooting water. Just TRY IT!!! It'll be weird The Notebook moments. I've never seen that movie but should be close enough! Anyways. By the way I have absolutely no experience with kissing like ask anybody so tell me how I do.))Jeremy looks at me to see if I'd refuse, and I don't. We just look at each other like two lovey-dovey idiots. He brushes a strand of hair that fell into my face and he tucks it behind my ear. I blush and lower my face. Jeremy gently grabs my chin and tilts it back up to look at him. He looks into my eyes and I could just drown in his gorgeous, brown colored ones.
"You're beautiful, you know that?" Jeremy says. I begin to protest but he presses his lips to mine. I moan ((OHMYGOD THIS IS WEIRD EVEN FOR ME BUT THIS IS THE MOST SEXUAL IT GETS I SWEAR I THINK I DON'T know what qualifies as what so lets hope for the best)) and my lips match his. I move my hand up and tangle it in his hair. He wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me closer. I'm practically on his lap now. His other hand rests on the small of my back and he traces little patterns with his fingers. (( Is that like a thing??? I think it is but I have no clue.)) We sit there kissing for what seems like awhile but all too soon, Jeremy pulls away. I'm breathless. He's breathless. And I feel like I ran a marathon. He looks at me and beams. Then like we're synchronized we both reach for each other and begin to kiss again.
"Maddie the cake is getting ready to be cut." Riley waltzes into the garden and Jeremy and I only have time to stop kissing. My legs are still draped across his knees and his hands are still at the back of my neck and small of my back. My hands are tangled in his hair. I blush and Jeremy does too. Riley's mouth is in the shape of an O. She snaps out of it and winks before strutting away and waving. Jeremy laughs and I let out a big sigh.
"Come on." Jeremy kisses my cheek and then picks me up. His right hand is at the back of my knees and his left hand is holding my back up. He walks away from the gardens- not even faltering with my added weight - and he hums 'Here Comes The Bride' until we reach the party again. Jeremy sets me down gently on my high heels and then looks me up and down. I straighten my dress and run my fingers through my hair to make it look like nothing happened between us. Jeremy smiles and brushes his hair back to normal with a few rake of his fingers through his hair. We link hands and walk towards the large cake where everyone is gathered.Nothing like being surrounded by the people you love, holding hands with an incredible man, and of course, eating cake!
There is no way I'm leaving this story unfinished with Jeremy in it now. Did I do good on the kissing?!?! O hope I did. Leave a comment about what you think!!!!! There WILL be an epilogue and I am working on it already but it's really late so I'm going to sleep now. Love you all. Please vote and follow me it would mean a lot!!! <3

Military Girl
RandomMaddie enlists in the army. What has she got to lose? Her brothers best friend beats her up, her mom doesn't care about what she does, her dad is recorded as MIA, and her brother is planning to get married. Why not join the military? Why not prove t...