Woop woop! Chapter time. For my beautiful nerd-a-licious readers (no offense but I called you beautiful) =) I got ONE and ONLY ONE D on my Spanish test, I didn't study (there's a shocker). And the C's are for math. No biggie. Okay so I did have a plan with littlerockette (shes awesome so message and follow her) (sorry Abigail) and we had a plan that Nia would go in a coma and die. But then I realized I liked Nia because Maddie wouldn't be alive without her and Nia and Will wouldn't fall in love and KA-BOOM! Life fell apart. (sound effects, hehe). So Ill see what I can put together. Heres the chapter! =)
"Nia!" I shriek. I start crawling to the pile of rubble. Will rushes past me and starts throwing pieces of ceiling all around, almost hitting me in the face.
"Calm yourself." I say and I help him lift a big piece of rubble. Underneath, is the firefighter in the yellow suit. Will picks him up and gently places him on the ground before quickly throwing around more concrete.
I see a hand and start screaming at Will. He lunges over where I'm digging and starts chucking aside stuff. He throws a piece aside and it hits me in the leg. I fall and then Army crawl (Get it? He he) to the garage and sit. I lay backwards and close my eyes. The crackling of the fire sends me to a memory.
My dad sits next to me on a wooden log. He pushes me backwards and I land headfirst into the lake. I run out of the lake and pick up a bag of marshmallows. Dad hops off the log and runs around pretending to be scared. I start throwing marshmallows at him and one hits him in the chest. He pretends like he's dying and falls on the ground with a big smile on his face. I rush over to him and grab his leg. I start dragging him closer and closer to the lake. I finally throw him on the blow mattress and slide him down the dirt. He hits the water and starts floating away from where I stood.
I throw a small pebble at him and I hit him in the head. He lifts his head up and his smile drops.
"I thought you threw me in the tent." He laughs. I shake my head and throw some more pebbles at him. He stands up and crosses his arms putting a 'mad' face on.
"Dad I'm 11. That face worked when I was seven!" I throw some more pebbles and he starts hopping from one foot to the other trying to not fall over. I finally pick up a big rock and aim for the blow-up mattress. Dad just smirks.
"Like you can throw that." He smiles and I pull my arm back. I throw it and it lands on the tip of the mattress, propelling my dad forwards. He makes a big splash in the water. He comes up the surface sputtering water.
"You better run Maddison." He yells at me and I make a break for the tree. I hear him laughing evilly and I grab a branch from the tree and pull myself up.
"1! 2! 3! Ready or not you better be hidden!" He yells into the dark. His cellphone starts buzzing and he looks at it curiously. He reads the caller ID and then turns to the lake. He throws the phone into the lake.
I laugh and he turns to look at me in the tree.
"Your mother knows not to call us when we're camping." He says and walks over to the base of the tree. I leap down and land in his arms. He gives me a cold wet hug.
"Lets start a fire its getting late."
~ ~ ~
I listen to the fire. The crackling. The warmth. I hear someone fall down beside me. I move closer to them. They feel abnormally hot. I open my eyes and its Nia.

Military Girl
RandomMaddie enlists in the army. What has she got to lose? Her brothers best friend beats her up, her mom doesn't care about what she does, her dad is recorded as MIA, and her brother is planning to get married. Why not join the military? Why not prove t...