party ❗️

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I woke up to my roommate jumping on top of me making me groan. i pushed her off and she fell on the floor. i didn't even bother to look bc i was so tired.

"you bitch" she said and i scoffed.

"like you didn't just jump on me" i said opening my eyes for the first time this morning. i looked to my side to see my roommate sprawled on the floor in a starfish position.

"you gonna get up or are you gonna stay there all day" i asked. she sat up and she gave me a glare.

"tonight there's a big party and you're coming with me" "bu-" i started. "no but's you're coming" she gets up and leaves. i groan and get up to do my morning routine. once i'm done with that i sit on my bed and scroll through my phone to pass time until the party.

time skip

I started getting ready for the party. i wore a black dress that showed off my curves and some black high heels. i then did some light makeup and straightened my hair.

"y/n you ready?" my roommate yelled from downstairs.

"coming" i said as i grabbed my purse and walked downstairs.

"you look hot you tryna get laid?" she said

"yeah let's hope"

we walked out the door and called an uber to pick us up and drive to the party because my roommate is most likely gonna be drunk out of her mind and i'm not tryna get her in the car.

we got to the house and walked in and i was immediately drowned in the smell of alcohol and weed. i walked further into the house and sat on the couch not really wanting to be here.

i looked around and saw a girl that caught my eye. she had long blue hair, wore baggy clothes, and had many chains and rings on. she was talking and laughing with some people i didn't recognize. god that smile.

when she looked my way i quickly turned my head hoping she didn't see me literally admiring her. i could see out of the corner of my eye, her leaving the group of people and walking my way. i acted like i didn't see her.

she sat next to me on the couch and sat in a man spread position. i turned my head to look at her and she smiled. "hey pretty girl" she said. i tried not to blush at the name. "hi" i smiled feeling the awkwardness down on me.

"what's your name" she asked.

"y/n, and what's yours" i asked

"wow such a pretty name for a pretty girl, i'm billie btw" she said smiling, showing off her dimples.

"billie, that's a unique name" i said

"so what's a girl like you doing here alone" she said looking me up and down.

"i'm actually here with my friend but she went off somewhere" i chuckled

"well why don't i get you a drink, yea?" she said standing up and holding out her hand for me to hold. i nodded and grabbed her hand following behind her to the kitchen. she poured me a drink and handed it to me. i drank it and immediately made a disgusted face.

"that shit is nasty as fuck" i said as i grabbed a water bottle to get rid of the taste. billie chucked at me and grabbed my hand walking us to the backyard where no one really was. she sat on the lounge chair that was out there and i sat next to her.

"has anyone ever told you that you are so stunning" she said i blushed at her words and looked down to hide it.

"have you seen yourself you're a whole goddess." i said. i didn't even realize how close we were until i looked back up. i saw her look down at my lips and back into my eyes. next thing i knew she smashed her lips on to mine and placed her hands on my waist.

her lips felt so perfect against mine. her soft plump lips. things started to get a little heated and she pulled me up into her lap. i put my arms over her shoulder and deepened the kiss. her lips felt so right even if she was a complete stranger. she then pulled away.

"you wanna get outta here?" i nodded and we walked out of the house and called an uber. when the uber got here we went in and billie immediately put her hand on my thigh. if i said i wasn't wet i would be lying.

she started inching her hand up higher and under my dress. when she got to my panties (i hate that word lmao) she slid them to the side. it took everything in me to not let out a sound as she slid her fingers through my folds. she started rubbing my clit slowly i let out a little whimper only billie could hear.

"fuck baby you're so wet" billie whispered in my ear which made me even more wet than i already was if that was possible.

she started rubbing my clit faster and i was really struggling to not make a noise. i then felt a finger at my entrance and started breathing heavier as she slid it in.

"look at that baby, it slides right in." i moan at her words and her finger working in me. i quickly slap my hand over my mouth not wanting to be caught. billie chuckled at my actions. she added another finger and started speeding up. i can feel the knot in my stomach letting me know i was close.

"you gonna cum pretty girl? you gonna cum all over my fingers?" she asked and i just nodded not wanting to make any noise. i gripped onto her arm.

"that's it baby. cum for me." she whispered in my ear which made me tilt my head back and cum all over her fingers. she continued slowly pumping her fingers in and out of me as i rode out my high. she then took out her fingers and put them in her mouth sucking them. i looked at her biting my lip.

"so good" she whispered. the car stopped and i looked out the window to see that we're at my apartment. we got out and walked up to my apartment.
heyy guys lmk if you guys want a part 2 to this also leave some request cuz i have no idea what to write.

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