softy ❗️

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smut with aftercare

billie: dom
y/n: sub


i came with a scream of billie's name, back arching off the bed, hands fisting in the sheets. my eyes were shut tight, unable to continue watching her between my legs, devouring me like i was her last meal, without losing my composure entirely.

in spite of my climax, billie didn't let up, continuing to work my clit with single-minded focus, licking up my juices as they flooded my pussy.

"billie..." i panted, begging. the overstimulation was too much for me to stand. i couldn't do it, couldn't cum again, the pleasure tingling towards pain.

"billie, please... i can't."

she looked up at me from between my legs, eyes dark with arousal.

"look at me, y/n." she demanded, her voice taking on that edge that meant she was displeased with me, though i couldn't have said whether it was because i was no longer watching or because i was attempting to tap out before she'd finished with me.

exhaling shakily, i opened my eyes, caught her gaze...the sight almost too much to bear. she looked absolutely sinful as she lay between my thighs, her chin shining with my juices and her smirk positively wicked in that way that told me she was going to push me to my limits and enjoy every second of watching me squirm. i let out a little whimper, struggling to keep my eyes locked with hers; she waited, silent, to see if i'd behave myself.

"you can." she said sternly, leaving no room for argument.

"and you will."

"yes, mommy." i murmured, the words catching in my throat as she once again had her tongue on my clit. i couldn't help but squirm under her ministrations and billie responded by tightening her grip on my thighs, keeping them spread wide. but that didn't stop me from trying to wriggle against her hold on me.

billie just chuckled at my desperation, loving to watch me squirm and struggle, even as she held me down.

"keep still or i'll have to make you still..." she warned. with two fingers, she spread my pussy open and dipped her tongue inside.

"it's too much." i cried, tears pricking my eyes.

"mommy, it's too much!" billie clicked her tongue scoldingly as i begged.

"be a good girl." she said.

"you're almost there..." she dove back in, working to bring me to my peak in spite of my pleas.

"cum for mommy."

with a sob, a strangled moan, my entire body trembling, i reached my fourth orgasm of the night.

"no more." i begged.

"please, mommy..."

crawling up my body to kiss me, my body relaxing.

"you did done so well, baby. you're all done." she stroked my hair off my sweaty forehead with gentle fingers.

"i'm so proud of you." she kissed me again, so soft and tender it was as if she hadn't just forced me to cum until i cried.

"thank you, mommy." i gave her a contented smile as the tension bled out of my body and i was finally permitted to relax.

"now, let's get you cleaned up." she murmured.

daddy; B.E. imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now